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Plurk,♥ Saturday, August 29, 2009 Aiyo!!! Today got tuition and tuition!!! D: I did nothing much but before math tuition and of my tuition friend lost his wallet!!! Sad for him lorhz!!! Been plurking very much nowadays then my cousin lar...kajiao me!!! Looking forward to my party!!! :D come join me barhs!!! Friday, August 28, 2009 Hi!!! I today also damn fed up de lor!!! -.-
Morning was at canteen planning with Honey wat to do for the teacher thing thing...Then also playing there then giving out invitation card :D Then went back class study then started getting very fed up cos the elsen lar!!! so irritating,keep kicking my chair that i cannot concentrate lor >.Then after that went back class le lor...Study a while the elsen still dun wan let me off!!! still kicking my chair (OMGOMG) Then went recess was with Honey And Darling they all passing our "heart" around to let people from 5i last year write for our teachers...Then was damn hungry lor D: but did not care... Then got assembly at hall then wat Auntie Huever then the gelyn listen untill Auntie Lucy then she was like "WOW!" hahas!!! was not listening at all lor,there playing with gelyn also...then started turning my hand 360 degree (i told u i can do it!) Woots!!! Then the Mr Wee very idiotic lor,keep walking and walking then he stamp very loud!!! then Shan wei say he smellier that larva!-.- Then talked to zhen hong then we ask him got play Twister before anot then ...aiyah very funny and thats it ... Then the gelyn the create wat "Mozart Bomb" then so funny that i kept laughing then they all say i siao de...but its really very funny siah!!! :D OK!!! then went back class and the ELSEN!!! still kicking my chair then i give him a very fed up face lor,then the shan wei and ze xuan say i cry then they let me off (call them to wait long long lar) Then dunno wat the prefects doing...wat teachers day thing lar...marc.c and yirou AKA guorou went in to my class then the boys like all "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....."wadever lar,then they say wan call people do wadever thing then the elsen keep kicking my chair and say "he comfirm choose u wan" then i was like staring at him...Then they started calling some people,then i unlucky lor...kanna sabotaged by yirou AKA guorou then i reluctantly went out cos miss goh call me go...i wan like saying FUCK all the way there...then do stupid thing then the elsen serves u right,stand beside larva(hahahahaha) then went back class carry on with my work then i really have to say this le WHAT THE FUCK !!! the elsen still dun wan to stop kicking...wadever,but hope he can stop it lor!!! dun seem possible Labels: diao Thursday, August 27, 2009 Today nth do lar...sian de whole day... The elsen keep kicking my chair siah!!! so freak!!! Then i go use my pen poke his shoe (hahas:D) Teacher saw it then say"elsen. ur leg too long nid me help u cut away ???" then it was like so damn funny... Then SKIP ... After recess then went to computer lab...i was like damn high de lor :D i keep laughing then they all say i siao le,then was also playing there while typing the thing...Then also keep playing:D Then finish le walk around de lab then the ka wei step on my shoe!!! he damn heavy sia!!!Hahas Then strangled by somebody 0.o then the shan wei say got blood when only a little red nia...but really tio shock lor!!! When back class then elsen carry on kicking my chair!!! cannot stand him lor! Then stayed back with shi ling and michelle they all do de art then very fun lar...dun wan carry on le...byes Labels: siao zhar bor Wednesday, August 26, 2009 Hi~! Waseh today at school can die de sia!!!>.< Morning go settle something then chinese test,then social studies(writing invitation card with my darling gelyn:D) Then the boys damn irritating (Hmph!)They go throw my bag on the floor then step on it then go put my chair at bernard's table(OMG rite?) Then the darrell so good help me take back worh... then cos i in front of class watching then the bernard suddenly stand up then take the chair to his seat siah!!! i tink he tot is his chair barhs...but is was so damn funny that i was like laughing like mad. Then i fed up go change my chair with Miss Goh the chair(hahas) Then they still keep sitting on my table D; ~~SKIP~~ After recess then went back class but did not pay attention at all lor,keep talking to elsen,ze xuan,melissa neong they all,then also laugh untill very siao...then stop awile then elsen ask me hu i like then i dun tell him (hehee) Then they started kicking the highlighter bernard touch before de,then they kick to me then i also anyhow kick then the elsen go pick up then throw at me then i started to throw,kick back... Then after that teacher go through with us the Little Red Dot then the ze xuan and shan wei go keep throwing the newspaper at me after they tear out -.- (i now the victim D;) Then i also throw back lar then i listen to teacher a while then the shan wei or huever shoot the paper using the rubberband then was like damn pain de that i shout out u noe??? then the whole class suddenly focusing on me -.-(even miss goh) Then miss goh go ask"xiuming,wat happened?" then the melissa helk me explain to teacher then teacher call the boys to pick up the newspaper that they throw (haha serves them rite) Then was like going home le...byes...then when walking with gelyn,the shan wei and kye siong was like standing at the bookshop there then he was staring at me and so did i, dun care after a while, but suddenly they use the nike waterbottle spray me...Gelyn so lucky never kanna lor then i was like so damn fed up le then shan wei say is not him,but hu noes??? p.s: Those people haven receive the invitation card dun worry,will give u all soon after me and my darling write finish le... Labels: omgomgomg Tuesday, August 25, 2009 Hi!!!:D Today the elsen damn funny siahs...he go colour his palm red then he act as if he cough then after that his hand like got blood like that(EVENTHOUGH ITS QUITE DISGUSTING >.<) Then keep playing playing playing...Aiyoh!!! all come my party larh!!!-.- Then jus now was ike plurking with jing min,melissa and shi ling then was like OMG de lor!!! But dunno why karma increase a little only nia~! NVM! will try again jiayous bah!!! Lastly,wish all bpps-ians good brain,good luck and confidence for tomorrow's paper:D All of u will be doing fine,jus try our best!!! jiayous!!!:D Monday, August 24, 2009 Today had english prelim paper then was like i tink quite bad for me... Actully nothing much to write today,so byes..:D Thinking wat games to play on my b'day party...suggestions???:D Labels: Think... Saturday, August 22, 2009 Hi!!! :D I am currently blogging at a chalet...:D Had fun today with cousin's bbqing. I ate PRAWN but as i dunno how to peel the skin,my cousin help me worhs (applause!) Actully nothing much to do there but will post some of the pics on facebook one of the days:D Today was like calling lots of people to go the my b'day party then they now like more okok ler (thats a good thing :D ) Wish theyr can all come to my party,u all can dun bring present cos u all come is de best present le >.< (i said to someone before le :D of cos he more important lar,jkjk) Then smsing someone then he say something very disgusting lorz...hahas. Staying overnight tonight so my karma surely decrease le D: Hiaz...nvm,have fun can le Ending post now,byes Labels: siaozharbor Thursday, August 20, 2009 Hi! The oral today okok lar,but the examiner quite sissy lor...>.< But the thing is before the oral thing...this is wat happened... Morning went to school then sit between elsen and andrick and they started to call me .........(dun wish to say >.<) Then can i ask u a question? Shake hand with opposite sex got prob mar?? Why they so sensitive???Aiyo,its like jus shake hand then they suddenly shout lor>.< Went to computer lab 1 cos there is waiting room, then we rehearsing how to greet the teachers then its like we keep jk then the boys disgusting and irritating that i laugh untill stomachache lor >.< Then when melissa neong went out,left me and four boys in the lab...they suddenly use their chair go surround me then i cannot move then they make the moonwalk and wadever...:D but have to thank th Labels: oral oral oral Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Hi! No mood today siah...D: Suddenly found out quite a number of people hate marc. chua...Went to invite people to my b'day party on 6th sept then some boys go say marc go they dun go...(for goodness sake lar,dun be so childish!!!) If all i invite de can come then good but it seems so impossible now...i jus wan everybody to have fun but ......>.< Darrell still say 'you ta mei wo'. Then social studies lesson then was like fooling around,wa!got lots of nickname in school lor. Jing An shoot my head with a paper and the rubber band D: still go use the pointer hit my shoulder...Then after that the darrell and elsen go youtube on the NDP song 2009"wat do u see?" then was like at there singing then gelyn keep saying i irritating so go find joyce then dance around like siao!!! :D they still on the micheal jackson the billie jean...then got the moonwalk and ... (very funny sia >.<) ~~SKIP~~ Recess then suddenly quite a number of boys also crowd around larhz... then ....(dun wish to say too much,no mood. i also dun mean to keep talking to them de) if he can come then better lor!! :D Labels: stupid girl Tuesday, August 18, 2009 Hi once again!!! :D Today a lot of talks siah!!! So sian lor D: but can keep talking so still ok lar... i too lazy to write leh... ~~SKIP~~ Go to recess then together with gelyn and melissa neong then started saying something very funny that we laugh untill OMG!!! After that saw the boys they all like fighting...after recess got the zoo the talk then sitting with gelyn and darrell they all,then 6i class de boys like started to throw the papers and three of us talk talk talk then..........(something happen)......................then three of us use the paper keep playing,the darrell keep throwing the paper then he go throw at me then i go throw at gelyn then she never notice then cos darrell,me and gregory know so keep laughing.By that time gelyn still dunno then say me and darrell is laugh at gregory :D Then we carry on laughing till gelyn saw it,then still keep throwing at each other!!>.< then cos darrell throw at me then i throw at shan wei then his face like so fed up very funny!!! Then after that the boys were like very secretive,then suddenly darrell hit on my back very hard lor!! i was like suddenly screaming very loud... Then the boys still laughing!!! wth!!! Labels: hmph Monday, August 17, 2009 Its like go canteen again (so extra hor? >.<) then went up classroom,today got 1 relieve teacher cos, miss goh got meeting then he praise my handwriting very nice leh:D ~~SKIP~~ After recess,went up to hall,the boys began to go siao again and keep calling me Mrs chua...was like so ...OMG!!! Then went back class poh elsen go write "MCLSXM" on a paper then write the exact thing then began raising up very high in the classroom,then was like again...OMG!!! Dunno wat his reaction would be after seeing this,happy? angry? sad? ~~SKIP~~ Wanted to go put bag in chinese class then the cch and lmj also inside then they lock me inside,follow where me and gelyn go,break my wallet,take my money... In the end still kanna scolded by chinese teacher for being late for class >.< Then she still say a lot of rubbish... End le...byes!!! Labels: siao... Saturday, August 15, 2009 Today got lotz of tuition...went MC with friend!!! ~~SKIP~~ Went to bukit panjang plaza saw many paople from bpps but i dun see him!!! how??? i really miss him alot >.< Went back home then start webcam with cousin :D Nothing to write le,byes!!! Labels: Not fun day Friday, August 14, 2009 For godness sake lar! i very fed up le... Labels: nothing is true Hi!!!:D Morning went to canteen when i did not want to...did nothing Went up to class then ... ~~SKIP~~ Had chinese compo,wrote 5 pages.(wrote almost the same content as gelyn :D) Chinese teacher keep complaining bout us :p Then study study... went recess then was there like playing!!! After recess got the rehearsal???then in front and behind is boys then shopping uncle keep calling me shopping auntie and dog D: then call them back lor...Then they keep saying that guy and me again...then was like playing there Went back to class still say me and him and they invented something stupid :p so keep calling them shuddup!!! cos going home le then was like shouting very loud for them to keep their mouth shut then ka wei and darrell go tell teacher then i run away!!!:p The problem is they say wanna spread like hell!!! i gonna die liao D: Labels: PRAWN Thursday, August 13, 2009 Today went up to class then when go in then they call me shopping auntie...>.< ~~SKIP~~ Went PE then cos today check de weight and height...Shan wei wanna stand beside elsen hu is in front of me then i say cannot then they say if marcus then can...(when can they stop arh???)Then Darrell's phone in his pocket then i help him by keeping his phone in my pocket lo (i so good hor??? jkjk) I bring his phone to chinese class then after chinese class go back to class den he put his bag on my chair so i put his phone in his bag then he say i not bad! lawls... :D But its not good to be too kind,i help him then recess he keep hitting me and gelyn and... After that in class the elsen sitting in front of me still keep saying me and marcus...(WTH!) ~~SKIP~~ Stay back for chinese class then fooling while the rest time... After that then went to call my maid come fetch me then shi ling help me call :D Then they went with me to gate A to wait then we were there hugging the pillar there then shi ling is hugging'ching how' there(shi ling damn pro de lor,i keep slipping down lorz...)!!! lawls!!! then de michelle keep making de 'marc.'there... D: Then very funny lor,the security guard uncle of b.p.p.s was there flirting with an auntie!!! >.< Had lotz of fun there...then went home. BTW...all de best for bpps-ians for tomorrow compo :D Labels: fooler... Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Its like so wth lar!!! okay...start from the beginning. Morning go canteen then did nothing there,went up hall sing national day song then de gelyn laugh then i follow laughing then was like trembling there lorz...hahas. :D Then chinese class,wish a lot people all de best!!! after that when goin back to class,saw marcus and shi ling they all walking to their class le,i did nothing then de gelyn say i jealous...(she siao de) went back then is social studies...sit beside stupid shan wei,quarrelling with him!!! then the ka wei joined in then they started spraying water at me...(3 nike water bottle to me!!! >.<) Play untill very siao then Darrell,Ze xuan,Jing An,Elsen,Kye Siong and lotz more suddenly all crowd beside my table...Gelyn act guai keep doing her homework then i 1 against all the boys D: Then they keep saying me and marcus stead le...i deny like siao but nobody believe me,gelyn suddenly still go side then siahz!!! Then say i like darrell and more...then was at there swearing i dun like them.hahas!!! But de irritating darrell keep saying me and marcus then cannot stand them so ran to the toilet with gelyn... Went to recess then the CCH also keep saying me and marcus!!! argh!!! wat on earth happen??? bought my thing eating there then cos the marcus bought his things then went to eat then he sit beside abby,he suddenly called my name then call me dun jealous or wadever...Gelyn look at me then keep laughing then say i hate abby cos she my rival when i am not!!! then 'fighting' there!!! :D ~~SKIP~~ Went back to class got exam then after exam got nothing to do then do nothing then the Darrell ask me i thinking of marcus arh??? then i by that time really very fed up so dun wan care bout him le...after that elsen also ask if marcus and me stead??? then i ask why today everybody like that siao siao the...then he say zhen hong say ............. darrell say ............. then now got lotz of rumour bout me le!!! D; Labels: wat happened??? Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Today got talk talk laugh laugh laugh...especially when today PE then its like getting so bloody SIAO!!! Dunno why shi ling seemed to disappear during recess...but...nvm,used to it le. so carry on being siao with gelyn!!! :D He is like also getting very cold to me...u can say we like did not even talked today lor. D: After supplementay class,walked home,then the darrell also walking...but we two emo never talk to each other.hahas. but when reaching home,darrell sudden shouted" oi! why never talk to me jus now???!",then i was like wat the hell is he doing then dun care bout him then walk away...lawls!!! I am quite sad today... Labels: emoING Sunday, August 9, 2009 Wow!!! today went orchard ion with neighbour then eat japanese food and spent 400+ dollars i tink...then go put the tattoo on my face... Then after 6 hours of shopping,went to sentosa cos my dad got the membership then can go in for free!!! jus nice can see the fireworks there lor :D (never say the pledge together >.<) Total walked for 8 hours today leh...wanna die le lar!!! but i cannot die for the sake of him...jkjk ;p Labels: national day Today is Singapore's birthday,so let's wish singapore a happy 44th birthday!!! And i am even more excited about my b'day which is only 1 month to go!!!But will be having a b'day party on 6th september... Hu wan to come arhs???(i really dunno hu to invite siah!!!) End here for now but later surely come post again de...:D I wan to see him!!! Labels: lovesick patient... Saturday, August 8, 2009 Today got lots of tuition lor!!! Kanna called by all my tuition friend LM(little monster)...>.< cos of thats my nickname there for 4 years le... ~SAME~ missing him every now and then... Wondering wat would i do tomorrow lor.but i can assure he will always be on my mind! lol..:D Labels: tuitionholic... Friday, August 7, 2009 I JOKING JOKING the hor!!! Labels: the joker As to celebrate the national's day,my school had this youth carnival and I had fun!!!(although it was quite lame) But the sad thing was i could not get to see him that much and missed him every moment while playing... i wished he missed me too >.< Hi!!! nothing to do then went to create a blog lo :D Dunno why i had this blog...maybe cos'of him!!! i jus love him!!!<3 Labels: lovehim |