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Plurk,♥ Saturday, October 31, 2009 Everybody,i am fine le...thks for the concerm^^ Haiz...i am so sian! Friday, October 30, 2009 I damn sad de larhs! why cant he trust me? haiz...i so long no cry le leh,then cos of him i cried again. D: I only wan him to noe I LOVE HIM is that very difficult? No mood post le! byes... Thursday, October 29, 2009 LOL! Morning went to gate b to wait...dunno wait for wad lar! Then went back marc.c holding the newspaper i cut out? is got 1 like stupid mona liza de,1 is very ... de last 1 is megan fox de i tink? Then they keep saying i very pervertic? Went to healthzone today,on the bus then friends go see my phone,then alot say i very zilian?Reached le then walked around there,was damn high at first lar,keep laughing,then they go tell teacher i nid medicine then teacher was like"xiuming,wad happened?" then i quickly ran away but then still laughing...then "explored" the place,then time for the talk!the talk was like disgusting?and stupid?Then finish le board the bus then back we go the school! Ate lollipop! gave di and kor,gelyn and ... then got traffic jam...Then jus same lor...? nth much happened... Reached school then the lollipop the stick still in my mouth then went to toilet take afew pics^^ Then dunno wad i do sia! basically nth and so damn sian sia me! Went up class teacher told us things then go through the paper then watch awhile the army daze...very funny and nice :D then time to go home le! ate my lollipop again and back home! On com then say wan go minimart,went down to minimart,then kawei`di haven reach,take a kitkat first then wait awhile then here he comes! dunno is a little ps or wad,we never talk I LOVE HIM!<3 but dunno whether he loves me back >.< Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Hi! Posting for today...Went to school,exchanged phone,talked a little at the canteen then went up class... Watched army days or wadever,damn funny sia! "wapiang eh,jin tan jia leh" the ah beng keep saying de >.< Then chinese lesson,was so concentrate untill cch came back,then started to quarrell with him again! Yay! tomorrow i dun nid do the presentation! Then social studies lesson teacher let us continue the army days...Was damn nice!But before that,me and gelyn went to the toilet for another water fight...Fun but got quite wet... Then recess le,went down with gelyn then talk talk talk!Had another water fight,got quite wet also^^ At hall then announced the theme for the "prom night" is changed to smart and casual^^ Then took the psle book thingy,got cut by the paper >.< but bleed alittle nia... Went back classroom then teacher go throught the book,damn sian sia! then newspaper time! I was getting mad lar,looking at those pictures,then laughing like siao with gelyn,i still go cut out sia! ROFLMAO! Then before school end,we went to the toilet...WATER FIGHT AGAIN! this time more wet cos going home le then dun care...went back classroom then teacher going le,then pack our bag then dunno why stayed inside the class awhile talk... Then go home jiu start to play com^^Then went down minimart meet with darrell,then in the end also never talk! hahas! saw ryan,jaysian,charles they all? then ... *ahem*... Went back home... Now chatting with willeen^^ Untill much to post le! bb! love ya~! Tuesday, October 27, 2009 Hi! Today went school then play,play,play... Morning went up to class then sat there do nth... PE le,me,joyce,yunying,melissa neong did not wan to play,so sat down talk... Then chinese lesson le,went into class then teacher going through the egg thingy,after a while,got into groups and started doing that thing? We opened up the newspaper then cch suddenly say"wa!" then looked,the newspaper te pic damn hot lor then me and gelyn started laughing like siao,cos damn disgusting,the cch still go use the black sticky tape to cover there,damn funny!Then they started doing but me and gelyn there talk talk talk,then cos cch got bring scotchtape mar,then damn sticky at the side,then gelyn saw one hair then she tell me then we both say "dick hair" then told cch he still blur blur then we keep laughing lar...Then dunno why,got the scissors then started to poke the woman the there on the newspaper,cch ang gelyn see,keep laughing then gelyn started to do the same thing lar,then cch go say "ni men last year hai zai 5i,xian zai zhuo zhe zong shi"then we dun quite understand then got to find out that he meant wad for poke it when it will not burst,then we laughed again! In the end no time le,then rush... in the end egg still broke >.< Then went back class then teacher went through HE then had the quiz le lor,finished doing then went to my blog see^^ Then went down recess,ate,walked around...Then saw shi ling,she call me go find mdm ang take children's day present,then gelyn...hehee^^ Go take le,then talk talk talk then bell ring! Went up then chat awhile jiu sit down,haiz,sit beside bad luck charm...Then went up class,teacher say wan raining le! Then say nice weather to watch show,so say wan watch show first then go through HE again! Then showing the movie,i in classroom take picture,listen to songs and smsing^^Went to toilet with gelyn and had a water fight>.< she keep attack me when i like tying my hair or wad lor,in the end my shirt damn wet sia! Went back class then took the boys the pic,then suddenly they all take out their phone also,keep trying to take my pic>.< then i go take video all this^^ played like siao lor... Then cooled down a little went to take pics with friends again! Then they keep asking hu i like,try asking tomorrow i tink i will say :D Then ................. dun wish to elaborate more ended and i walked home! On the way home,suddenly darrell ran from behind then go hit my head-.-pain leh>.< Nth more to post,bb Monday, October 26, 2009 Ello~being forced to update... Posting for ytd first bahs... Went to mother's staff the son the 1st birthday,then xinyi,alihong they all also got go.Was like poking's Alihong the butt then she no respond de,then me and xinyi say her butt no nerves de :x People hu noe ..., dun say anything :X Then alihong start sqeezing other people the butt! sicko lor! Then started to take pics of them but in the end was forced to delete all!!! Then played a lot,then alihong keeo looking at my sms -.- Then after a while,they all went to vivo to build a bear,too bad i have to go dunno whr,cannot follow... Then took some pics of myself,damn ugly lar :X Then went home le! Today: Went to school then i dunno why,was feeling very high in the morning...Was like trading the shirt thingy,then teacher came in then jiu act guai ... Then was going through HE,damn sian sia! Went to toilet with gelyn,then wad tying my hair,when she go use water make my pinafore? Was like chasing her,wan splash water but then did not managed to >.<>.< Then recess play a little then got to noe got wad something like"prom night"de...But theme prince and princess sia! eeyer>.< dunno wan go anot... Then went back HE again then teacher showed home alone 3 but i wasn't watching at all,went to toilet with melissa neong and gelyn to play...Was smsing-.- then took a pic of the class^^Then they never let me sit,then i was like kneeling on the floor,like wan pray liddat... Then i go call JA turn on bluetooth then i sent him a picture with lots of prawn inside de...he was like -.-! hahas! Then kinda sit on the floor looking through my phone then got 1 time miss goh walked very near me,i never see then melissa neong and gelyn say"eh! miss goh!" i was like,"heart attack" cos too sudden le >.< Then go home le! Thursday, October 22, 2009 kk..posting for ytd first. Morning online,actually wan do the research...Then nieghbour ask me out,then go lor. Went Novena square then shop shop then i was like hungry le,cos no breakfast then alr 1pm le>.<>.<) In the end finish drinkng the coffee but still no use-.- Then a little emo liddat...Neighbour see liao then call me go de korean shop! then was like excited! hahas! cos a lot seaweed sia!my favourite! Then in the end bought around 5 packets,each consisting of 8packets of seaweed^^Thinking of that,i suddenly remember that time damn stupid lor,christmas then daddy bought christmas present,daddy bought for kor a Ds then guess wad? i got a few packets of seaweed...i was like -.- Hahas! OK! Then my mother called then say wan meet us at harbour front,then off we go! we went vivo then when walking to harbour front there,my leg got blister!>.< damn pain de lor,then put plaster or wadever but then walk awhile,drop off,walk awhile,drop off!I damn fed up then dun care about the blister,jus take put the plaster then hobble around... Saw mother then started to shop again! i was back to how sian i was,neighbour trying out clothes then i sat at a corner of the shop,I LOOKED DAMN STUPID K?!Then shop shop shop! Then daddy came but alr 9+ le! We went around look for food but then no nice de,then decided to go dunno whr lar,then daddy see there no business then decided to go for the korean restaurant beside then went in started eating was like 10pm le! OMG! Then wapiang eh,damn disgusting sia! a lot vegetables then so little meat! hahas! but have prawns! but only ate 1,cos did not wan to eat my "friends" ^^ then the bill out le,$149.50! We were like *stunned* cos its like almost all vegetable lar! Went neighbour house first then all of us said to those hu never go " we ate de most expensive vegetables in singapore!" they were like LOL? Then went home bath liddat then 12.15pm i lying on the bed then thinking of things... then in the end 1.15 am then sleep... Today: Going to neighbour house for a sleepover! Dunno why but wan it... Nth is going to happen today i tink... Wish *ahem* and *ahem*,*ahem* and *ahem* last long again! hahas! If wan to specific but better not lar! hahas! I miss him! I love him! <3 Last long bahs! :D Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Hi! Faster go back school can? stay at home liddat can die de leh! This fews days go facebook,plurk,msn... Hahas! Know a lot secret le!^^ Today keep chatting with Didi :D Dajie also have... This few days at facebook keep tio spam... D: Nth to write le! bye! Wish *ahem* and *ahem*,*ahem* and *ahem* everlasting! Actually alot *ahem* sia! jus specific tis 2 lar...kk? Sunday, October 18, 2009 Today went to Travel Fair with parents,actully said wan to help give out flyers but in the end too lazy le! Btw today is The 100th day le^^! lets wish it would last longer bahs! Hahas! :D Friday, October 16, 2009 Hi! Today damn fun sia! Went school then went to computer lab from 7.30-9.30am then got a talk,then dunno wad happened to me... Recess ate then chat liddat only then went back class teacher taught us HE then some disgusting stuffs :x boys were like... After HE then watched home alone(i tink) but then some of us went to a corner then sms and prank call each other,but miss goh never scold seh! Went out to toilet 1 time but go for fun de^^ Then after school walked down with gelyn then waited for her sis then walked to her house with her.Thn she walked me to my aunt's house.Was supposed to get ready before three then i around 2.40 ok le then called gelyn then she say she haven eat then haven bath...i was like-.- Then 3.++ went to her house with xinyi then saw her sis downstairs then went up to her house and saw her getting ready le then head to the BPCC.Then we were talking on the way there :D Reached there then went to buy a can of coke then went in the court,they were like"ta men lai le arh." Then sat at a corner with xinyi after gelyn go play...we talking and watch people play badminton then was getting a little sian then saw rachel then she borrowed my phone lor...Then the marc.c call me go buy drink for him then go lor>.< Came back then sat there then ... (forgot le) Then wanted to got back my phone then chasing rachel then the marc.c go chase also,but in the end i got the phone^^Then we exchanging phone again lor...Then help him keep his phone when he playing then talk talk talk...I ran around without my shoe then my foot damn dirty de lor. After that went to the stage there? then talk again thn played thn sing song? Then went to buy drink again! :D Then was like exchanged phone with weiwei also^^Then jus played lor...Then the boys keep take turns playing...Then marc.c call me buy drink again then go lor-.-then i go out he go take my ezi-link card>.< i hate that one lor! damn ugly seh!Then chase around the court then he went to play badminton then almost forgotten about it then at the end he reminded me then cos outside le,then chase around again lor...thn he go take pic of the ezi-link pic!!! Then walked home with cousin and gelyn le! Reached ahyi house then watch show^^ Then ate then talking on the phone then galyn say she at the void deck then went down to meet her to go bpp...Reached le then went to library then damn funny lor! We were borrowing book thne got one corner then weixiong started to push his butt at me then i fell to the ground then laughed like siao with gelyn then stand up,weixiong start it again then i was like>.< he also go make gelyn then we really laughed like siao.weixiong make me again then i lied on the ground then he go pull my leg that i was like laughing with gelyn then pain lor!-.- Then at a corner got 1 man go tell his son that we wrestling then we laughed again cos damn funny then got 1 librarian came to stop us then we ran away feeling damn embarrased then really go borrow book then saw that man with his wife this time then he was like saying " they jus now wrestling..." then we laughed again!! Then in the end borrowed 2 book then we go gesiao then use the tamil book when borrowing the book then laughed again! then went minitoons bought sweet then dunno why while buying i was laughing like siao also.^^ Then gelyn go take one sweet then tat one happened to be not nice then she bite 1 mouth gave me,i dun wan gave her sis then her sis dun wan then gave her back then she reluctantly ate it.Then her mother ask her is wad flavour de then say she very disgusting thn damn funny i laughed again! Then her mother ask us if we want icecream then i say anything then weixiong say he dun wan mar,then his mother keep saying"bu yong ke qi de,aiya wo bang ni mai la" then weixiong like really dun wan so i tell gelyn the mother dun nid waste money....then i laugh again then when she buyin gi also laugh then gelyn the sis ask me wad thing so funny then i laugh again! Then got the icecream le then went home after saying goodbye...Then on the lift,after asking,weixiong turned out to be too ps then actully he wan de! LOL! Wad a fun day!!!:D Tuesday, October 13, 2009 Exam is finally over!!*woots* Omg omg. Walked to BPCC. With shi ling,michelle and wen fong. Reached CC then place our bags then they started to play badminton outside cos time still early^^Then smsed xinyi asked her coming anot...then sort of exchanged phone with marc.c then he went to look at my sms and pics lor~!!!Btw saw rachel there also :D Then Marc.c was like taking my phone then playing badminton with marc.w >.< then xinyi called then he went to answer-.-Then went to buy drink with shiling... Came back shi ling went to play badminton lor, then running around??? Then sheng wei came,was so shocked cos did not noe he was coming! LOL! then played a while then they went to book the court then i took the receipt^^then chester came...should be. Then went in the court le..dunno wad i doing but then jovan,zhen hong,tan wei came in.. Was shocked once again! damn shock lor! Thn shiling they all started playing i was like doing nth cos didnt noe how to play but they keep calling me play but so xiasuay then played my hp the game...Then marc.c ask me why so emo...? LOL~! Then dunno do wad lar...thn received xinyi the sms that she reached le so went out to find her :D Then came in then chatted a while before marc.c called for her to play with her then she went to play then shi ling,me and muthu went to buy drink again then i bought for xinyi also.__.came back then stood on the chair and went on the stage^^ then talking there,xinyi playing with marc.w...After that we wanted to find youling but then cannot find so was shouting down to the court a lot people de name,damn funny seh! Then went to play truth or dare,or maybe truth only? Then went to take my highlighter-.-started playing then keep tio me sia! D: wish they dun say out anything...Everybody was getting quite high lar! dun wish to specific anymore^^Then after a while around 3 jiu went to my cousin's house...actully walking with shiling wenfong and xinyi the,but after that started raining then shiling and wenfong took bus home then walked with xinyi then chatted a while then went mac's bought the koko krunch mc'flurry and actully okok de,but then got 1 syrup eat liao wan vomit>.< Went to cousin de house liao lor~ now then noe gouxiong the leg so smooth! hahas! Saturday, October 10, 2009 Ps! so long never update my blog le...cos of PSLE lor! but cos today got a little free time then come update a little lor. PSLE days! Maths was damn tough seh! i will surely flunk it! English acceptable. Chinese acceptable. Science ??? Hmt ??? Its like cos the first 3 exams got break liddat lor,then starting from english de,the boys sitting behind and in front of me keep using the green tea bottle go make bernard the leg then come make me (WTH) then i was screaming liddat then got 1 time got scolded by teacher D: Luckily science paper they cannot make me le :D Now scared liao>.< nid go chiong liao! Then YTD Went to cousin the 21st birthday party at a chalet.Reached there then the xinyi and alicia was like interrogating me???Then never say anything then playing with alicia then took pics with her,sitting on the staircase then went to the room to take pic then the kiddies there all sot de lor! damn violent,baoyaxiong also sot with them-.- Then after that ate the cake then sending songs to alicia lor...After quite a lot of people left,the cousins all like started to BBQ...Alicia and me started BBQing the crabmeat then xinyi there helping then i do untill half sian liao go sit down eat chicken wing^^ then suddenly the bbq thingy sort of caught fire? then firewoman and fireman to the rescue!!! Then after a whle started again!!! My food ok le,then sitting beside xinyi eating and talking lor,then dunno wad happened to her,keep like make fun of 4th aunt say wad " feiji" her friend or wadever,then both of us keep laughing then suddenly she go sing the "dont play with the fire,or ur buttocks will burn. dont play with the mao mao or..." then er jie was there staring at her,even though i dunno why but its so damn funny then laugh again! Then she tell me dajie very strong cos,...(cannot say)then was laughing like siao this time,then the adults say us sot...MiMi heard us laughing then ask wad thing,then me and xinyi say dajie very strong,then she go say me...(masi cannot say>.<) then we lauging again! we like damn siao liddat de lor..then stay untill 2a.m then nid go home the,then also lompang alicia back home^^ Today! Went to tuition,saw tuition friend damn ps de! all becos of another tuition friend lar!!! Then after that went to mother's shop then went to eat with neighbour^^ then after eating go play the pinpong ball thingy :D Then went to buy stationary,then now at her house! muahahha! later going to revise! nid to chiong liao! BTW! Wish all BPPS-IANS good brain,good luck,confidence. AND VICTORY!!! Monday, October 5, 2009 HiHi!!! Today went to canteen then talk talk talk then discuss with honey the ranking thing,then talk lor...Went up to class then saw talk to gelyn. Then sing national anthem then study le lor,do maths paper then went through compre.Then chinese class le! Went through stuffs again then recess le! Today was like ...dunno how to say. Then jiu ...nth much happened lar! Went up to hall then the JA saw me and was like say " marcus de" then replied,"i am not lar,joyce de" ps arh fanren!>.< Then elsen say wad got my number then say about something...Teacher was taking attendance or wadever shit then mr.wee was like say got fire in the toilet jus now then wad nid spotcheck,was so damn shocked...but tot i could hide it,then mr.wee say checking pocket now! then was like really shocked lor,but luckily still got others hu bring so heck care...Then miss goh was checking then luckily never check my wallet! heng arh! Then the mrs.ravi called out for the Hmt the for the arrangement then was like getting a little siao>.< Then after le,went back class then study again then hahas! my compo! that time teacher call me to type out de,teacher gave out to de whole class,although i tink it sucks: Then nid do the science mcq but me and gelyn like dun care then was laughing all de way,cos i like siao liddat then sddenly laugh then gelyn dunno wad happen see me laugh then also laugh :D Then techer went throgh the answer then our paper like blank de lor!!! 1pm le! packing our bags then we all stood to wad the teacher lar,then the shanwei damn funny seh! his shirt make untill dunno wad then me and gelyn happen to look at him then accidentally saw him *ahem* underwear...we were laughin like nobody's business but the shanwei still dunno wad happened then we told him then he claim that his *ahem* underwear is blue de,but me and gelyn saw that it was grey de lor!!! Then he tried to pull his shirt down but its like a opposite the V but still can see then he no choice have to pull down his shirt! hehee^^ Then went to put back at our chinese class then went down for mini break le then was crappng around lar! wapiang! went up class then the rain was like sot de damn heavy then stop a while then start again,then start then stop! aiyo!!! Then do the worksheet then went home le :p Jus now talking to gelyn and her mother was like damn funny sia!!! laugh untill buay tahan!^^ bye!!! Sunday, October 4, 2009 Hi! ytd got lotz of fun but hand keep tio wax >.< OKIE! yesterday is de 85th day lar :x Dun wan post le~bye!!! Friday, October 2, 2009 Hi~! Today went canteen then keep ka-jiaoing someone :DThen talk talk talk lor... Went up classroom then study study study... ~~SKIP~~ Recess then crapping with gelyn,shi ling they all :D Then after recess nid dunno do wadever shit lar. Talking there :P Then went up classroom then i asked gelyn some questions about hu she prefer then i showed it to shan wei they all then we went to ask shan wei then shan wei went to ask me,then circle circle circle then he call me to rank down...nid faster give him,but i delay like siao, so only giving him on Monday :P Then went for break before having supp class...then eat with gelyn. Then went back class do compre open-ended then teaacher go through then teacher keep scolding me cos i keep wondering the ranking how to put...Then after that nid to do le,miss gih went to buy things to eat cos she jus now no time so when she went down,the ka wei came over to shan wei de seat then while doing he keep "womanizer..." if not is "smack that,de pigu mao..." me and gelyn was like laughing like hell cos they still say some other things... Then miss goh came up then kawei still keep"womanizer"then miss goh hear liao then say "i noe that lar" then we all laughing again! hahas! Then waited for gelyn and jovan they all then went down,then the sheng wei go make my bag again!!! then went tuition le lorh! quarrell with my friend^^ then tuition teacher so sickening!!! say me oscar,then dunno how he pronounce lar...-.- Thursday, October 1, 2009 Haiz! bo thing do... 10 'Are You's 1. Are you single - :X 2. Are you happy - not sure... 3. Are you bored - sort of 4. Are you fair - idk 5. Are you Italian - of course not 6. Are you intelligent - NO! 7. Are you honest - *ahem* sometimes 8. Are you nice - depends to hu lor. 9. Are you Irish - No. 10. Are you Asian - ... 10 Facts. 1. Full Name : CharmaneSiaXiuMing 2. Nick : Alot siahz! 3. Birth Place : Mount Elizabeth? 4. Hair Colour : Dark Brown? 5. Natural Hair Style : ??? 6. Eye Colour : black. D-uh 7. Birthday : 0909 8. Mood : Boring 9. Favourite Colour(s) : bright colours 10. One place you'd like to visit : idea 10 ThisOrTht 1. Love or Lust - Love 2. Hard liquor or beer - Idk 3. Cat or Dog - dog? 4. A few best friends or any regular friends - Best friends 5. Creamy or Crunchy - Creamy 6. Pencil or Pen - Pen 7. Wild night out or Romatic night in - Wild Night 8. Money or Happiness - Happiness 9. Night or Day - Night 10. IM or phone - Phone... 10 'Have You Ever's 1. Been caught sneaking out - nope :P 2. Seen a polar bear - Television counted marh? :S 3. Done something you regret - I tink so? 4. Bungee jumped - NEVER 5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - No. gross lar 6. Finished entire jaw breaker - what's that?? 7. Been caught naked - No Tsk tsk 8. Wanted an ex gf/bf back - er...he is back??? 9. Cried because you lost a pet - never had a pet 10. Wanted to disappear - Sometimes 10 preferences in a partner 1. Smile or eyes - Smile 2. Light or dark hair - Dark 3. Hugs or Kisses - depends lor 4. Shorter or taller - average? 5. Intelligent or attraction - both? 6. Topman or Zara - Topman 7. Funny or serious - Funny? but sometimes serious lar 8. Older or Younger - Older 9. Outgoing or Quiet - Outgoing 10. Sweet or Bad - Sweet... 10 'Have You's 1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - yea! forced to... 2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than 1 hour - Duh!(gelyn,shiling,darrell,melissa) 3. Ever walked on hands - NOPE. 4. Ever been to a rock concert - I tink so... 5. Ever been in a cheerleading team - No. 6. Ever been in a dance team - No. 7. Ever been in a sports team - should be... 8. Ever been in a drama play- IDK 9. Ever owned a BMW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bentley? - my father jiu have... 10. Ever been in a rap video - No 10 'Last's 1. Last phone call you made - Marc.c 2. Last person you hugged - Idk. 3. Last person you hung out with - Friends 4. Last time you worked - ??? 5. Last person you talked to - My Bro 6. Last person you IM'd - ??? 7. Last person you texted - Marc.c 8. Last person you when movie with - forget 9. Last person /thing you missed - :X 10. Last website visited - Plurk Happy Chilren's day!!! Last year for me le D: I got to noe a secret le,but becos of that i nid to promise something >.< Haiz... GTG LE~! |