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Plurk,♥ Sunday, November 29, 2009 1) Kranji Sec School 2) Clementi Town Sec School 3) Bukit Panjang Government High 4) Unity Sec School 5) Fuhua Sec School 6) HuaYi Sec School Friday, November 27, 2009 BTW! PSLE results: English: A Chinese: A* Math: A* Science: B ------------------------------------------------------------------ Aggregate Score: 234 Dx HiHi! Dx Ytd: Went to sch to get result.Was with my dad,mum,bro,bear...Then reached school then alot people at foyer.Then mummy help me open door,pls lor...its cos the door spoil leh ): Then they keep say i big shot -.- Was like hugging,then went up to hall! Played a little then had to sit down le! Keep clapping when the v-principal say wadever? Then was time to give out result! Haven start then i cry le >.< Then got back result,cried... Haiz,over is over...Result lousy like siao canzxc?! Went to plaza saw yunying and joyce.LOL! Then went back home? Today: Went to dunno hu the party,then was about to reach home willeen called me and asked me to go to CC. Then go lor,starting quite sian larhzxc....Was like snatching each others hp? Then after that keep running about lor...Tio hit by shuttlecork or wadever larh on the nose.Pain! Then after playing under the rain,water fight in toilet and wadever then time to go home le. Then was like waving then cos i standing beside the pillar then i hit my nose! Then walk home with cousin le!^^ Wednesday, November 25, 2009 Melissa Neong on the see-saw! ![]() Weixiong perspiring after deesiao-ing ![]() Me at the playground^^ Shy larhzxc! LOL! Hiie! Not in a good mood today larhzxc~~ Posting for yesterday: Melissa neong came my house,then was playing com,then we went playground play.Quite fun larhzxc.Then cousin was there dee-siaoing...Wind was big till i buy the ice-cream then the ice-cream tio my leg,damn disgusting...Then went to swimmingpool wash! Muahahah! Then played see-saw... Father called then say wan go exercise? Went to the DairyFarm nature park then was jogging for half an hour...Then shiok larh! Then father brought ur to bukit batok park! Bought Milo^^ Then continued to run! Also about half an hour,went back car. Tio fined! muahahah! Went home le lorh.... Posting for today: Stayed home to rot,dun feel like going to out... Then cos of someone,not in a very good mood,feel like crying ): Thks Potty alot^^Love ya! Saturday, November 21, 2009 Ytd went to graduation night then was quite hyper at first but when leaving i cried untill very cham...*sob* Today went to cc...When we reached there then started crying again! Its really very sad larh! Cheer up girls! Hugged alot people^^ Message for bpps-ians: Keep in touch ok? Will miss you all alot,but we still gotta leave each other. We can meet up again de! Message for 6H`09: Had fond memories with all of u! Dun wanna leave u all except B and L larhzxc...Stay as a class always kays? Meet up soon! U all made my last year in BPPS wonderful! But made it more sad for me to leave u all ): Message for Gelyn: Same class with u for 4 years le! The memories we shared are priceless...We got scolded by teachers together and laughed like siao together!"Gelyn and xiuming will u 2 please stop talking?!" By Miss Goh. Hope u wont forget all those memories kays? U are a good friend and i will miss you alot de! ): On graduation night did not wan to cry,but once i hug u,then started crying untill very cham...U mean quite a lot to me!Keep in touch k? Love you! Message for Shiling: Same class with u 2 years but our friendship is still very good! Was like best friends with u last year?Had lots of fun with u... then this year different class. So relationship not as close as before le >.< But still love you and i will miss you loads! Keep in touch k? Message for Melissa Neong: Known u since p1 but got closer only this year,the last few months...Regretted not good friends with u earlier,cos u are a great friend! Nowadays we were all like crying then whenever u hug me,talk to me,teardrops would flow down involuntarily...Will miss you all very much de ): But cheerup larzxc! k? Message for WenFong: Same class during p4 and we were not that close till this year? Had lots of fun with all of u! :) Very sad leaving the school so soon! Miss you alot and keep in touch k? Message for JingMin: Same class during P4 and we had lots of fun that year right? Then dunno which year? u like putting it in my pinafore :) Last long with xiaodi horh!!! <333 keep in touch!^^ Message for joyce: Fanren`Dajie`still got alot,but kinda forgotten :p Was closer to u this year even though we known each other since p2 rite? Same class p2,p4,p6? Had loads of fun with u saboing u and *ahem*! U are a great friend and i am very touched when that time u were so angry with me,but it was all for my sake! U taught me lots of values and how u dun wan me to be influenced! Will remember you definitely! Stay long with *ahem* ok? Keep in touch horh! Message for (Willeen,Rachel,Erra) Same class with u all only this year but also had good memories right? How me and willeen got closer after talking through MSN and how good friends we are now! Willeen is chio bu! i write here she cant bully me le bahs? :p All chio bu larh! All call me chio bu when i am not! >.< remember Prawnprawn hor! rachel! :p Miss you all and keep in touch! Message for shanwei: Know u this year and hate u alot starting of the year with all ur bullying! Throw stapler bullets? Throw eraser dust? spray water? Then gradually find you not bad larh...Was protecting me?LOL! Hope we can still keep in touch k? :p stupid korkor! Message for Kawei: Know u this year and found out ur father actually know my father -.- Then starting also keep bullying me till we became claser and u joined the "family" U very good larh! But hor,always "hardcoring" see liao pekchek arh!>.< Will remember u always and last long with xiaomei!^^ Message for Darrell Tan: Same class 3 years le! Had fun with u larh! Was always very sot! Untill this year dunno why we not that close le ): Keep in touch kays? Lalalalã~~ Message for Marcus.C: Known u since P1 and had unforgettable memories with u.Remember the Music teacher? We always hiding behind the book cos we keep laughing? Then er...erm.... Then u called my mother ....! Funny! Then got closer this year and lots of things happened...Hope you are serious in this relationship larh. There are tears,laughter and so on during this period of time and i will remember wad happened...Had a great time with all of u although u and marc.w always do disgusting stuffs >.< Hope u will remember me and gonna miss you and love you loads!!^^ <333 *hugs* Haiz...When recapping all this! i was crying! The past 6 years was very enjoyable! Was hoping time could stop at a certain point but i dun have the ability to do that! Hope u all will miss me too larhzxc :x Tuesday, November 17, 2009 D: D: D: Today quite suay de lor! Morning talked,played... Went up class then awhile went down for PE. Then quite hyper sia... Started to play volleyball,no fun...They say wan play monkey,then play lor -.- Then damn sian larh...Suddenly they throw a ball here then tio the side of my face.Quite pain.. Then still very sian, then like suddenly out of nowhere a ball fly out ...Tio my forehead! this one really damn pain de! Then they all crowd around me,then they walk in front a step i go backwards a step -.- then almost trip and fell... Joyce brought me to the toilet, for fun :p Then went back everybody was like asking i ok anot,then alot ask me if i remember my BF-.- Went back chinese class then head pain untill buay tahan! was there OMGOMG! cannot concentrate... But chinese teacher damn funny today! HAHAA! Then went back class taked... Then recess,eat le then played^^ Then got simi talk...head still pain... Then went back class spammed "? ???? ???" on paper^^ Btw today keep tio banged by joyce they all the head! >.< Saturday, November 14, 2009 Hiie! Today went to watch 2012!!! Nice show! I cried a few times but got a few parts damn funny! The huever point middle finger! Then still got... wadever! dun say le! let u all go watch... Went with neighbour to causeway,played arcade,watch movie,eat..... Neighbour gave me the carebear she caught! muahahah! Btw saw a lady hor,eating a icecream then neighbour say the icecream damn big then i keep looking lor...In the end the whole icecream drop on the floor! i was like damn rude then laughing like mad canzxc? Was damn mad jus now lor! Dunno wad happened to me...? My mind is like playing a maze ... I am confused! Wad should i do?! Can anyone tell me? Friday, November 13, 2009 Hiie! Today reached school then saw dajie first,then played a while then she wan go morning jog -.- i didnt wan to jog larzxc...But then after that i jogged then used shortcut!:D Went up class then marc.c in front of me mar,then reached class le dakor tell me xiaodi they all keep"wah"-.- Then teavher gave back out things...trophy and the wooden thing! i got none of it back >.< then say out prelims the ranking! i damn lousy 4th in class then 66th whole level D: Then we watched over the hedge! hammy korkor! Then went computer lab during chinese class,was supposed to do a research thingy,in the end i did not even wrote anything!! Went back class then was playing uno... Recess le!!! Went down with rachel,wanyi,joyce,melissa,weiling! Then they keep hitting each other the butt! Then reach foyer there was like "battling"? Then went to eat le! bought drink then drink finish le wan to play play,then took the ice then put into weiling and melissa the clothes! :p then they screaming at me...In the end i die!!! They took the cup of ice then took the ice,chasing me like hell then i was screaming like siao also!!! cannot tahan liao~was like 4 vs 1 leh! They pulled me hair and put a lot ice into my clothes! was damn cold de canzxc? and embarrasing!!! Went back class30 min then went for the talk,it was er.... Then went back class le teacher brought us down then i was drawing? then ran around... Then me and joyce had a like bet? I wrote joyce and jingan and she wrote me and xxx... see hu can collect more signatures as acknowledgement...i took the her and JA then she took me and xxx de... Was running about then we even call miss goh to sign leh!!! siao sia!!! miss goh saw and was like ........ In the end still sign-.- joyce collected more signatures lor! got 31 signatures then i only collected 25 signatures... She won lor!!!-.- gtg! byes! love him forever! Thursday, November 12, 2009 :D:D:D Hiie! Morning went to canteen Put bag then went to gate B...was so shocked to see dajie reach so early! muahaha! Then went to canteen sit down...then walked to gate B again.Aiya.jus keep walking around lar! Then actually was supposed to do something today,but in the end never>. Talked a little then went up to class,then marc.c come zap me! >.<> then tio his bone there,damn pain de worh! Then he was like WTH?! Then he gave us the answers then off we went to play! Start: Cos b4 that the 8 of us sweared that we would be wet from head to toe! And so we tried to...Went into the water then they started kicking the water then keep tio me! Was like haven even 1 minute my whole shirt wet le! Then cos we wear pinafore into the water^^ then was like damn heavy! but fun! We went to the fountain there then they push me inside! and indeed,i was wet from head to toe! Then heack care le! we running about! Then decided to sit down then we were chatting over there! Then was splashing water here and there! Wet like siao! time to go to the next station then we faster finish then went to the toilet! I used joyce the towel but then not of much use also-.-! took out pinafore then cos wear at home the shorts! so very weird! Wednesday, November 11, 2009 Morning went canteen then talk talk talk... Then want go up class saw a girl,crying...dunno wad happened to her leg-.- Then shi ling they all so KIND lor! help her...then i stand at a side keep laughing...then marc.w say me -.- After tat went up to class after national anthem and pledge taking...marc.c and kok leong came to our class >.< Do the worksheet thingy...Got one is wad "burst the balloon with care."then i was like think waiwai! Then got talk...after that went up to class then basically did nth fun larzxc...Went down again for SPCA talk...then they all keep saying me >.< After that recess le! ate le,then willeen`chiobu they all walk past then they go put the ice into gelyn the shirt! then was there "fighting!" Then another talk!!! damn sian larzxc!!! After that the boys go call miss goh go downstairs for extra PE then miss goh agreed! went up to put the paper and to take the dice thingy! playing in the class then the marc.c go take then the dice thingy bounced untill outside! i was laughing like siao xD Then went downstairs...played...talked... Ending le then dunno wad happened,willeen and rachel came to hit me head! >.< Then erm.......=X Went up class pack bag then off we go! i also gtg le! byes! Btw,i wish willeen bon voyage or wadever...Miss me horhs chio bu! i will miss u de :p Tuesday, November 10, 2009 ELLOS!!! Today went to school,nobody in the canteen...waited for dajie at gate b but very long also never come.So went to canteen first... Talked... Went up to class then saw gelyn not in classroom! omg! thought she really went to johor...In the end came le:D Went for the sexuality talk? damn sian lor! the teacher damn annoying sia! Then went to chinese class was walking around...wanted to go out again,then suddenly saw marc.c they all! tio shock sia! Then went for extra PE! Did not play much...played basketball then dunno hu throw the basketball towards me then shocked also! gelyn wanted to take the basketball then scratched or poked my eye there? pain sia! Then continued playing suddenly alot boys came...jingan wanted to pass me the ball then did not noticed then the basketball tio my hand! also damn pain!!! Then still got a few times hit by the basketball...Ran 1 round around the parade square >.< Went recess then eat,talk,play... BPPS IDOL! I was there laughing,complaining,talking... Quite sian larzxc. Was playing with my dice thingy? Then went back class teacher gave out stuffs then watched the G-Force then continued with Over the hedge! Hammy~! Went with gelyn to call her mother and her korkor >.< Saw marc.c there also -.- Then played a little then went home le!^^ Monday, November 9, 2009 Hiie! Today morning watch the video clip? the animation part damn funny!!! Then got talk...untill 9am i tink...then 930 another talk -.- Keep talking lor!!! Then recess played,was "fighting" with gelyn >.< Then another talk! WTH! Headache... Got back to class teacher gave out thigns then watched G-Force...was playing with my dice or wadever?damn bouncy sia! Play untill no more light le-.- Then tio untill bernard they all then the rainer still go play! was damn fed up! Then kawei`xiaodi came then help me take back the dice thingy...then i was like grateful! but bernard they all still got touch before so i told him then he help me go wash! ty xiaodi! ok larh...also nid to thk dakor^^ Then played played played school end le! Then nth much happened le... Byes! Loveya~! Thursday, November 5, 2009 Hiie! Today morning went to canteen then a little high,keep laughing! Went up class then talked alittle... I forgotten wad we do le! OMG! i STM! Mrs tan then came in,willeen,erra,and me then went to the toilet for water fight...Was quite wet larzxc! Then chinese lesson very few people then went to 6j awhile i decided to go back write willeen the book^^ Damn serious de :p Then got 1 group doing the presentation then i kanna sabotaged-.-Went to the talk...nvr really listen lar >.< Then played a little.........dun wan elaborate.......... School end le! Went out the school then was standing under the HDB with willeen they all...the rain drop is like suddenly damn heavy then damn pain sia! Then damn cold! gelyn shivering like siao lorzxc! hahas! Then continued walking...the shannon or huever so step on the puddle of water then i suaysuay,beside...Whole body tio...even face also hav-.- damn disgusting! Then scared shi ling they all never go cc i walked with gelyn but in the end still wan go find! in the end saw her at the traffic light there! Then she told me things...? Then we eating that time i go bet dulan wont the end dajie won! but then bet off! hahas! Then we keep run around the basketball court,i wanted to make myself wet-.- dulan there damn emo lor! D: Then shi ling and me go use water bottle splash on each other then really damn wet lorzxc! but damn shuang... Then went home,shirt still very wet...Forgotten have to go watch astro boy! Was the end xinyi have to wait for me :p Board the bus then smsing and listening to song! dulan called then chatted awhile...Then got damn tired! slept alittle! something funny happened >_< Reached le went to eat then go watch astro boy! We were like keep running then i laugh like siao!Starting went in i dunno wad happen i very high lor! dajie go drink my drink and tot is hers!funnie! the show nice leh! go watch larzxc... i dun mind watching again! jio me go lar^^Came out i felt dizzy and having headache,dunno izzit jus now got too wet le... Walked around then my daddy came fetch us around 10pm! OMG! i do not look forward to going to malaysia tomorrow! i wan go school! i will miss him very much de! Today purposely made myself damn wet,i want to get sick!!! Miss me!^^ jk! Sunday, November 1, 2009 Q: who is the closest to you ? A: Family, Besties? Q: who is your crush ? A: He's not my crush bahs? Q: who are you Darlings ? A: Dulan,alot siazxc Q: love/hate your friends ? A: Love. Q: love/hate music ? A: Love Q: love/hate people spamming ? A: Hatezxc Q: love/hate homework ? A: Depends on my mood... Q: love/hate netball ? A: Idk how to play:p Q: love/hate going to school ? A: Love to see friends.:D Q: do you like your blog ? A: Not really... Q: do you like yourself ? A: idk Q: do you like reading ? A: Depends on what books. Q: do you like eating ? A: Depends Question based on dare / dare not. Q: dare to shout fcuk in the class when teacher is not in ? A: Duh! Q: dare to spike a guy on their back ? A: as in? Q: dare to jump down the building ? A: Depends... Q: dare to pull up a girl's-[ur friend]skirt ? A: Depends whose skirt lor :p Q: dare to spam people in msn ? A: Yes. Last person that. 1. You hung out with ? HUMAN-.- 2. You texted ? Marc.c 3. You were in a car with ? Dad AND Mum 4. Went to the movies with ? Idk? 5. Person you went to shop with ? Neighbour^^ 6. You talked on the phone ? Forgotten... 7. Made you laugh ? Not sure. 8. You hugged ? My ahgong! WHAT WAS YOUR: 1.Last Beverage : green tea^^ 2.Last phone call : i dunno! 3.Last text message : Marc.c 4.Last sonq you listened to : Kiss me thru the phone? 5.Last time you cried : 30th oct o9? HAVE YOU EVER: 6.Dated someone thrice : not sure :X 7. Been cheated on : dun tink so? 8.Kissed someone and regretted it : No. 9.Lost someone special : IDK 10.Been depressed: yep. 11.Been drunk and threw up : nope-.- LIST THREE FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12. white 13. IDK 14.IDK THIS YEAR HAVE YOU: 15.Made a new friend: Yes. 16.Fallen out of love : Dun tink so... 17.Laughed until you cried : YES! 18.Met someone who changed you : i tink so... 19.Found who your true friends were : yes. 20.Found out someone who was talking about you : Yes? 21.Kissed anyone on your friend's list: No-.- 22.How many people on your friend's list do you know in real life: huh? 23.How many future kids do you want to have: its too long ahead le bah 25.Do you want to change your name: IDC 26.What did you do for your last birthday: ??? 27.What time did you wake up today: 8.35AM! being forced to! 28.What were you doing at midnight last night: Eating lollipop and missing dulan :p 29.Name something you cannot wait for: going out with friends? 30.Last time you saw your mother: Just Now. 31.What is one thing you wish could change about your life: Not sure? 32.What are you listening to now: No boundaries 33.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Nope. 34.What's getting on your nerves now : nth? 35.Most visited webpage: Plurk and my own blog? 36.What's your real name: Sia Xiu Ming. 37.Nicknames : Prawn` too many to name out lar :x 38.Relationship status : er...complicated? i dunno... 39.Zodiac sign: Virgo 40.Male or female: Female -.- 41.Elementary: BPPS. 42.Middle school: - 43.High school/college: - 44.Hair colour: dark brown? 45.Long or short : Long? 46:Height: 150cm? i not sure larzxc 47.Do you have a crush on someone: thats not counted crush bahs? 48.What do you like about yourself : basically nth? 49.Piercings: Ear. 50.Tattoos : Nope. 51.Righty of lefty: Right. FIRST: 52.First surgery : Nope 53.First piercing: Forgot. 54.First best friend: Forgotten... 55.First sport you played: forgotten... 56.First vacation: Malaysia ._. 58.First pair of trainers : Not sure. RIGHT NOW: 59.Eating: Nothing. 60.Drinking: Saliva. 61.I am about to: go n die jk ^^ 62.Listening to: i dunno wad song is that -.- 63.Waiting for: tomorrow to arrive faster! YOUR FUTURE: 64.Want kids: IDK. 65.Get married: IDK. 66.Career: IDK! WHICH IS BETTER: 67.Lips of eyes: Eyes 68.Hugs or kisses: Depends hu izzit for... :p 69.Shorter or taller: Taller 70.Older or younger: Older 71.Romantic or spontaneous: Both? 72.Nice stoach or nice arms: IDK. 73:Sensitive or loud: ? 74:Hook up or relationship: Huh? 75.Trouble maker or hesitant: Both? HAVE YOU EVER: 76.Kissed a stranger: No-.- 77.Drank hard liquor: Yes. 78.Lost glasses/contacts : Nope. 79.Hold hands on first date: IDKIDK! 80.Broken someone's heart: Not sure. 82.Been arrested: NO-.- 83.Turned someone down: Yes. 84.Cried when someone died: YEP... 85.Fallen for a friend: Yes? DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86.Yourself: Yes 87.Miracles: NOT REALLY? 88.Love at first sight: Yes. 89.Heaven: Yes 90.Santa claus : No. 91.Kiss on the first date: maybe? 92.Angels: idk ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 94.Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: No. 95.Did you sing today: i tink so ;P 96.Ever cheated on somebody: I tink so? :p 97:If you could go back in time, how far would you go: P1 98.If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be: idk 99.Are you afraid of falling in love: Nope. 100.Is your brother stupid: NO! he damn pro lar! damn it! Today went to daddy's shop opening...reached there 10am...stayed there untill 5pm...was sitting on the chair,looking damn stupid lar...played ds lite play untill sian,eat my sweet untill no more,look through my whole hp? almost slept there,using my jacket to cover myself :p Bored to tears lar! dun wanna go there anymore! |