Music, Sincerely,♥ ![]() Currently attached to SBF, since 10.07.09. ^^ Messages,♥
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Plurk,♥ Monday, December 28, 2009 ![]() I folded my sleeve :) But cannnot do tht in school! ): Did this out of boredom... Am i looking forward to school opening? idk! lols! Jus hate tht so called skirt. Its like damn freaking long. eww! Wadever...Nth more to post. ByeBye!<333 Friday, December 25, 2009 ![]() HOHOHO! MerryChristmas! SantaClaus is coming to town! Present come gimme. I will thank you alot. (: LOLS! JKJK! But really wan give me i dun mind. *winkwink* Thursday, December 24, 2009 "I cant catch ur heart.Or can i? Will you please stay with me. And nvr let me go?" Btw HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAREST POTTY!!! Message to potty: Happy birthday potty! Known you since p1 yeah? Were good friends till we lost contacts. Then got together this year and became best friends! Cherished all the times i spent with you :) Hope you can have fun in your new school,make more good friends but dun forget me can? >< Lovedieyou n Missdieyou!!!<333 Wednesday, December 23, 2009 ^^ Balloon tied by darrell, see the smallsmall de? 0.o lols... "The balloon would burst as soon as it cannot take the pressure..." Went to the orientation today? Then went to aunt's house... I there can die u noe? Stupid WX keep anyhow video people then keep singing song. Is like WTH?! Dun feel like posting anymore, Buaiss Tuesday, December 22, 2009 "Love is like a "Tug of war" We will fall easily as soon as one of them let go of it...." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jus Came back from malaysia, not feeling well... Got th posting result? Got into Kranji Sec School... But not tht happy cos ..... Haiz...going orientation tomorrow,will then get to see hu going lorh. Saturday, December 19, 2009 Hihi! jus came back from a christmas party!<3 Starting went there damn sian >< Then after that xinyi they all came..Then played alittle? Then got performance,lucky draw.... We have 20 lucky draw coupon! lols! my family 10 xinyi they all 10. Lucky draw, xinyi they all got drawed 4 times. My family got drawed 3 times. >< But got 1 draw is the 1ST PRIZE! <333 Its 2 air ticket to korea,worth $1100... Went down the stage open the envelope to see air ticket from WTS travel! Muahaha! Ran to my father ask for refund!!! Then he nvr say anything-.- Then end liao lorh the party. Daddy there the committee or wadever,dunno how spell >< Then talk to his friends...Fetch xinyi they all home then here i am home! Quite fun today,but then he not is singapore ): Friday, December 18, 2009 "Living in the dark dark world, On my own. The feeling sux!" Went out with aunt and cousin in the morning...Had fun with cousin lahzxc. Emo-ing with sunshine currently! Lovedieher le! "Haiz. I didnt mean to hurt you. Trying to forget wad had happened but ... its tough. Sorry i brought you so much sorrow.Really very very sorry!!!" Everybody! not available le :( So pls add me at Tyty! Thursday, December 17, 2009 ![]() Presents received on bday party this year:) my birthday is actually on 09`09`09 this year larh.. Sad thing is tht i only got closer to other friends after bday party lorh.If not can have fun together ):< Jus posting this for fun.u noe...I'm BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tuesday, December 15, 2009 ![]() BestFriendsForver!lovediethem<3 ![]() Its disgusting i noe...Taken like 2 years ago? x) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll always be beside you untill the very end. Wiping all ur tears away,being ur bestfriend. I'll smile & feel all the pain you do & if you cry a single tear,i promise i'll cry too. Sunday, December 13, 2009 Lalala~ Hyper-Kiazxc Rox!<333 Luvv them {♥} !! Friday, December 11, 2009 Hiie! Today got the class party? 6h and 6i de but in the end like less then a class go lor? Morning called and fetch gelyn to chestervale...Reach there 10.30 then do nth so decided to go out lorh. Walked from chestervale to CC.Called jovan then ask him wan meet in the end he jus woke up... So Went cc there the playground,played a round of Speed then jovan came meet us,Then hor walked to the lrt there with shengwei. Took the lrt reach there le lorh-.- Reached there then talktalktalk lor...Then joyce and melissa came,then dun wan come in...Then all the girls go pull them in. In the end joyce suddenly bang her teeth tio my finger,then a little blood.LOL Then step on my hurt toe ): Then was sitting at the playground there with willeen,joyce and melissa...Then keep playing lorh. Then we laugh with different the words,damn funny^^ Thn played catching,all the girls larh,not really that fun larh... Thn after played with the boys then more fun:) Me and gelyn together marh,then we anyhow hide in the end win! Muahaha! >< They keep saying us dunno wad larh...Perspire like siao. Then played another round then me and gelyn go with the boys. Brought them to the places we hid. Then slack awhile. Then continue then game stop le.-.- Bought greentea then they ask us to play iceman at the playground.. Me and gelyn iceman. Played then quite fun larh,but always got confuse cos dunno hu got caught le.. Then play untill my leg really damn pain. Cos keep hitting the blue-black the toe. Then keep running till skin peel. Then the shoe i wear liao really damn pain. Then went up to marc.c the house awhile-.- was forced to...:@ Took the lrt back with gelyn.To petir there arh? idk la... Then walked to my aunt the house,walked there bare-footed then dunno wad the hell prick my leg-.- Wadever,then went to aunt house then tio shock by cousin. Played abit then went home le^^ Shall end my post here:) Btw ps should be 10th of december horh! Was late by 3 mins...? Monday, December 7, 2009 I am really very sorry! I beg you to smile? Wednesday, December 2, 2009 Hiie! Today went 5i`08 class party! Me and nianci organiser,i failed! LMAO! Dad fetch me there then went to the wherever place it is then was chatting alittle... Was about to start then darrell call,i go bring him in lor x) i good horh? jk:p Then amazing race was about to start then me and nianci was like shouting like hell canzxc? They say semo dun wan with her dun wan with him! Then in the end dun care~~ I take the ruffia strings then damn stupid the lorh...Was like walk out a little then my group de all sian,then ruch back to the bus-stop then started to throw the ruffia strings around... Went back to the dunno whr then was playing with the ruffia string again! i noe we very lame larhzxc xD Played then i called nianci call them come back. Went to the baby pool,i stand there only lorh,then the darrell push me in!!!Luckily the pool smallsmall de^^ Then the darrell,chinghow call me go out,then i was like so INNOCENT~~ i went out then mingjie use the watergun spray me...I 1st victim...They spray untill very shiok horh? Still take turn spray me,i scream like siao nobody help me-.- Then more people got trick then after that BATTLE arh! MrsLim and LittleRyan came... Played water bomb,was like me,shengwei,nianci first trying out wan to then slowly they all find out then all play together lor,shengwei still put the fruitpunch de! eeks!Then starting was like target on a certain people..Then after that free play? Was actually dry dry de,then yunying suddenly attack me from in front,was like wet?!?! Then was screaming...Then more people attack me! But shiok larh~! Went back the wadever room then the aircon,is shiok dao~also cold dao~~ Was like drinking those dunno simi larh? Got grape wine,pink cocktail then wad whitegrape wine? Then jus anyhow play play,ate 3 or 4 lollipops!But is mini de larh...^^ Nth to do,helped them count the points while they play dog and bone? Played a round of virus,was like running then they alot run to the carpark there-.- Going to leave le,darrell gave me and shiling each a balloon,then went to toilet put water... Then cos dunno how to tie,then darrell help me tie,then tie untill got another small balloon! LMAO! Then horh,the darrell tan,i buaytahan! Keep sing the idk song then dancing... Then went blk 255 or idk which block,then keep saying "gimme back my ba-woon!" Only shengwei,shiling they all heard bah,cos we walk together... Then went cc,blablabla~~~~ Went playground,played a little,then i like suddenly very high,there interviewing people? LOL! Took photos! All thks to the part-time photographer Shengwei! Tada! Thks arh!<3 Then ran home!Muahahaha! Clothes still wet by that time-.- And i dun tink i wan to be a organiser anymore?x) Tuesday, December 1, 2009 Rotting at home! |