Music, Sincerely,♥ ![]() Currently attached to SBF, since 10.07.09. ^^ Messages,♥
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Plurk,♥ Saturday, January 30, 2010 Today tuition. Afer tht went to Thw whichever company gathering. Took those pics out of boredom. BLAHBLAH Outside the ballroom. ![]() UGLY ME!~WOO~ Blah. Less than half of the whole ballroom. Friday, January 29, 2010 ![]() Heyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Today quite fun also luh. Our class in charge of dk wad thingy la. Fine. Then anyhow do do do. Then school going to end le den i went crazy. I was like keep laughing like wth la. Blahblah. Just damn hyper :D Den lesson end. Crapped. BLAH. Went lot1. La. Went home. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Thursday, January 28, 2010 Today also no lesson. Was having the talk whole day la. In classroom. Quite fun luh. Played and blahblahblah. The teacher damn chio siol. Den played. Recess. Ate. Then went back. Fun. Then me and jiaxuan was like wth ok. cos the yingzheng keep looking. Diao Then shawnlee saw then he was like. idk how say la. Then cos he sitting directly in front of me? Cos we formed a U shape. We was like 比手劃腳. Then was lols lorh. Then yirou say me again. D: Then time for the balloon building thingy. FUN :D Then end le everybody burst those balloons. :X Then met joyce,willeen,shanwei. :D ![]() Wednesday, January 27, 2010 Today went to Singapore Discovery Center. Was blahblah. Reached there fooled around then from SDC > ARMS. Then was doing the wadever shit robot. Then they dunno how to do. So me and aini ran to SDC and then back to ARMS. Then do the quiz or wadever. Then lost team mates. Then find find find. Was running running running.Like nobody's business. Den i basically fell while finding aini they all la,leg and hand also tio abit. Imagine how i fell? So damn xiasuay.Luckily Got bruises only la :D Then continued. Was running running running. Then ran back to SDC. Was running about like crazy le. Watched the So singapore video. Then i ran out. Saw classmates. Talked. Went back watch video. LOLS. Then decided to give up on quiz and play. So me and yirou was running about again. Then went back school after the wadever talk? Then went lot1. Ate. shopped. idk la. Then bused back home. Went basketball court. Saw shanwei first. So talk awhile. Then jingan and darrell came back after minimart. Jingan hit me with basketball. shocked. Then after tht darrell. Pain. all bully me siol. Then went back home le :D The bruise on my hand. Monday, January 25, 2010 Shall only uodate something i find it funny k? I alittle lame also la. Was like going to the foyer to make the thumbprint attendance thingy la. Then there got stairs wad. I was like the usual me. Entertaining myself. Its like i am trying ot make myself fall. Totally no idea how to describe. Then got 1 time then Xinyi was pulling my hand,yirou tickling me. Thn my back face yirou wad, Idk why i was like lying straight thn leaned on yirou. I was ROFL. Damn funny. They keep laughing la. Its like so damn xiasuay?! Thn i nth to do play again. This time i facing yirou,Thn yirou sitting on the stairs ma. Thn i was like doing the same old thing but den this time idk why its like yirou holding on to my hand i just like fall in front. Thn yirou was like on the stairs almost fell la. Thn i also. Cos i leaned in her again. Find it so damn funny anw. :S && Was walking to limbang there thn got someone from kranji. Then the bag open de, nvr close. Thn i go pick up a leave den put inside his bag :S Tomorrow can start using the thumbprint attendance thing le!!!:D Saturday, January 23, 2010 Hi :) Didnt blog ytd cos not in the noob to. Fancy acting giving me concern. Wadever, Shant talk about it. Ytd went to bpps. Met people, total have me,melissa,zh ,zq ,marc.c,jingan ,shanwei ,joyce ,yirou ,shujing ,andrick ,darrell . Something liddat bahs. Bus-ed home with Darrell,blahs. Then went home on com. & SOMETHING UNPLEASANT HAPPENED. Was chatting with kor. Anw ytd in school,chinese lesson samuel drew this. Was lol lorh. Its Mr Chua. Not too clear cos took this in class :S Thursday, January 21, 2010 Hi. I am back. Today had Chinese lesson. Was like kisiao. Den Our group lost, had to sing happy birthday song. The samuel dun wan sing den we also nvr sing. In the end teacher sing then its like whole class sing lorh. Den the miguel was like saying " SS501." Then alot people say "sucks" And ya, its miguel not migel >< Then going PE le. Shawn and miguel quarrell. We all siam! Went PE played tug of war. Fun :DDD Den BLAHBLAH. Physics,lalala~ Dk why the zh outside the class lorh. then stupid yingzheng anyhow spread. EL. Dk is do wad thing la. Den ending le miguel sit on aini the seat. Den crapped. Was like crapped with koven idk how spell la. and miguel. They keep taking my things sia. Take my pen then throw out of the window somemore. But miguel help me take. Den continued. He keep calling me buy lunch for him. den i was like fat hope :P Den he go hit my arm. pain siah :'-( haven revenge. Den use my book hit me den pull my hair. Cos tht koven lah. fk. Miguel call me look in his eye. Den look lorh. He suddenly ask me stupid questions. BLAH. Then we did the dk wad form la. Den ask whether got special boyfriend or girlfriend anot. Thn shawnlee was like asking me wad i write. Den i told him wad i wrote then i asked him. Den he tell me he broke liao. Damn fast siol. LMAO. Den blah, They keep wan pull my hair. Had lunch then went back for the english test. Was hiccupping lorh. then my partner keep laugh. i also laugh larh. Really damn funny. Den done le. Den zq zh outside. Then the yingzheng saw. was like winking. Den i started whacking him. :S Den bused. BLAHBLAHBLAH. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Wednesday, January 20, 2010 HIHI. Had fun today la. Starting didnt much happen. Den drama class! yay! same. was lmao. Was like had to act la. den starting me and the yingzheng first. dk why he beside me lorh. Den he was the fishmonger i wan buy fish from him. den blahblah. After tht is david. i had to beg him dun go to be soldier cos the clay marble thingy lorh. So stupid. Den still played alot. LOL. Den went back class. Sian le la. Den Maths lesson i tink? but den teacher nvr come for the whole period. Whole class in chaos la. very very chaos. Got arguement and wadever. Den went computer lab for the maths e-learning thing. Den got back to class le. Went canteen. was like all Zao! cos still got hmt after tht. Den makan makan. got back to class. Then those committees outside our class when we had hmt. Played bingo. blahblah. Den got out. Go see see those people. Actually not intending to stay de. Den after tht had lots of fun la. They there wresting and blahblah. only a few doing those jobs. I basically did nth. Being a member of the welfare thingy. LOL. Den i keep make yingzhen the hair cos he dont like people touch. Then i stepped on the chair,table,blah. Crapped. Den ran about. Played catching. Den tired le. Went inside classroom. Was all along outside at those benches la. Then i started going kisiao. I was standing on the chair && blahs. Damn hyper. Then chatted with yirou,shufang class chairperson and blah. Den i keep asking the classchairman wads his .. the name. He dont say. Anws. we all call him the most horrible chairman. Den i keep copying wad he say. Den he was like acting gay can? damn omg de larh. I was like stay till 4? then say till 4.30 la. then 4.45 la. Really had to zao liao. Was like running for bus 302 with yirou. Reached interchange 67 ran off. Den rushed to take lrt. Den rushed to take 963. Ran home cos rushing for tuition. Den daddy suddenly say cannot come fetch. Den i ran away took 67. Later for tuition alittle. Wad a rush day i had. Den blah. here i am home :) Anw ahgong ahma came back from china! :D Tuesday, January 19, 2010 hihi. Went to school today. DUH. Then blahblah. Was damn boring la. Chinese class. ah! Was dk doing wad la. den teacher played the jay chou or huever the song la. alot people there singing.lols! Then the samuel quite irritating de lorh. Its like he keep talking then i look at him,then he say i interested in him :S Then idk why, i look at him den i laugh,LMAO! Den played.fooled around. study. Den Bio (IT) fun! Before going in the lab den was crapping, then i was just purely looking at a direction,then david stand there ma. thn he was like.. kua simi? kua ... .... ar? den i was like a joke de argue. den me and yirou was lol. Den the migel suddenly like look at me straight into my eye. den i look back lorh. :/ Was not listening at first. Den keep asking mei for help :P Den can ownself do le! Thn those boys keep walking around. Den the migel or huever. idk how spell his name :P Den dk say wad. crap crap. Den yingzheng? came. He steal my seat :@ lols. Den he demolished my art. tsk. Den still keep anyhow draw lorh! wlao. Den was pulling his hair. Den i ran around. blahblah. Den the migel or huever came again, but den the yingzheng? still dun wan stand. Den the migel or huever help me snatch the seat back :DDDD && He looked straight to my eye again. Then crapped with yirou again.LOL. Den my and the jiaxuan like suddenly damn close liddat siah. Keep holding hands. :S Den cos too noisy lesson end liao teacher say wan let us stay in the lab awhile more before lesson. i damn happy cos after tht got maths :P Den went back slacked,Den school end. Had to stay while. me and yirou ran off basically. call them come macs. find us they nvr, then too bad lorh. Slacked around. Anw i at macs damn hyper de lorh. I sit beside yirou den i keep call her to look at things den she nvr notice i throw my fries to her plate or wadever. Me and melissa keep laughing. Den zq saw den laughed. Then after yirou finish i asked her whether she realised she ate more fries. :/ And i keep playing with the chilli, :S blahblahblah. BYE. && I SO HAPPY! TOMORROW HAVE DRAMA CLASS! *WOOTS* Basically damn bored now la. 5678. lols. Zh kinda love this song :X lmao. Labels: B Monday, January 18, 2010 Just met darrell :/ Bought drinks. He like suddenly appear,i tio shocked k?! :@ Then we like walking around the condo? && He now keep saying "really?" I am lame~ :P Lalala~ School's bored. Was damn fed up with the guy sitting in front of me lorh. Keep taking my things-.- Wadever. Was not concentrating in class at all. Ans i was given the 1st warning cos nvr bring all the things lit teacher wan. lame. Den after school den class mentor giving the briefing thingy.Anw i not "xiumai" k?! Then head off to lot1. Wanted to bus there. Then yirou nvr bring ez-link card. Then sad lorh. I keep complaining la :P Then idw walk. In the end still had to walk. Then i go kick the coconut thingy. idk la. Then pass through zh the leg! lols! Then walk walk walk. Was complaining all the way to lot1. And i keep suddenly stop. Thn they cannot see me thn turn their head ask me wad happen. Ans my answer is always"书包 very 重" Then they push me :/ Wadever. Then went to long john silver even though i dun wan eat lorh. Still eat :P Then they walking i keep walk slowly behind,scared tio shocked :S Then bought things and bye. (wave) Sunday, January 17, 2010 Had to change to this cos previous blog,idk wad happened la. Currently no songs. :S Rushing homework la, 5 newspaper articles,D & T,Geography,Literature... Sian! Friday, January 15, 2010 Hi. OMG. I miss 6h`09. Except for B & L Haiz. Sadded. Today was like...okok la.Actully not ok. cos i damn bored. Ohya. My meimei`xinyi so cute and cool k? She gave me the letter or wadever. Touched.Got the FolkDance. Then blahblahblah. Then english do wad matching thingy la. Me got coke. Then a guy got pepsi. Muahaha. Then yirou go exchange with him ;DDD Then recess ate. Crap. Then blahblahblah. Nth to update siah. Then math and physics lesson almost fell asleep. :S Anw. People keep calling my "xiumai" fedup~~ Then assembly? Nid song school song :) I am so lame. Den walked to lot1 with yirou.melissa.zq.zh. & a zh de friend? Irratating canzxc?! Keep say he very good or wadever. Extra lah him -.- kpkb On the way to lot1 i keep shouting at tht guy :P Then walked to macs. was like AGAIN?!?! Sick of macs le Then eat la. Then the guy say wan go then we all was like so pleased saying bye and waving to him siah. LOLS. Then dk wad la. He say "your mother" then i continued "your father'' Then lalala. Then i went home le. Lalala~ Wednesday, January 13, 2010 Hi. Just back from school. Today morning maths lesson almost fell asleep. Then ... blahblahblah. Recess, crapped. After recess. Fun. Drama class. Its like our group went to wadever air conditioned another half stay in class.:D Then was like,had to take off shoe and socks. Then did so la. Then teacher want to know us. So had to say our name and wad we think we are or how explain. Then teacher damn funny k? Was ROFL. Then my turn. I say my name XiuMing. Then teacher say. "Xiumai? oic. next time u call u tat." Then everybody was like keep laughing cos in class those boys also keep calling my "xiumai" Then teacher ask like wad i tink i was or wadever. i laughed for a very long time then replied. Prawn. Then she say." oic. Prawn Xiumai. I love it lorh!" Then still got alot damn funny de. Then played the zipzap game. In the end lost la. So confusing sia :/ Then played ms universe. Fun la. Whole lesson was laughing like siao. Tink my whole class gonna call me tht ): Xiumai. eeks. Then chinses lesson.slacked. Then behind the boys keep kajiao. annoyed. :S Then lalala. Went to limbang macs with yirou and xinyi`meimei. was rushing. Then ran back school for hmt . Then wadever... Had cca trial after tht. Today our class went choir. Basketball. (didnt play,not interested at all) & Band. Band was like nobody wan go lah. I mean in our class. Then basketball dun noe. Was chatting. Then choir. Stupid kays? Was like lalalalala~ Then me and the shufang was last to go out of the 6 people la. Got in choir -.- Depends i wan go anot lah. :S Then blahblahblah. Went home lo. Tomorrow still got cca trial. sian. Monday, January 11, 2010 HIHI. Today 6.30 reach school lorh. tsk. Then waited for yirou and melissa. Went parade square, blahblahblah. Then go back class study le. All is like sian dao i almost sleep la. & horh. the yirou go sabo me lorh. wth. was staring at her when she sabo me then she keeo laughing-.- && got one teacher say " i used to work in NCC." Then the whole class was like saying "orh. national cadet corps" including me la. In the end wrong then is " National Cancer Centre" Then the whole class was like laughing lah. & i keep laughing till my stomachache. funny wad... Then went recess. Was talking crap. Then after recess gather at parade square. Weather damn hot then the huever crapshit is it was like call us to shift from usual place to another place. Then in the end talk crap. Was like damn angry lorh. Then english lesson carried on with the groupwork thingy. Then i self entertain. All say i siao. Muahaha. Then yirou drink water i go push the bottle :P Then the boys asked my name again? My name very hard to remember meh?! MY NAME IS SIA XIU MING!!! Ask my name for dk how many times le lorh :@ Then still anyhow pronounce my name. Shall not elaborate. Wan to noe wad they call me? ask yirou lorh. Was also damn angry la. But funnie~ Then went back sit. A guy dk do wad la. sit in front of me crap. So fed up~ Then continued with lesson. Then end lesson. BLAHBLAHBLAH. Sunday, January 10, 2010 ![]() ... 6th month just passed liddat. Dont feel like elaborating. Not in a good mood k? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just let me be a fool forever. I dont even wish to go to reality. I dont wanna care anymore. I really dk wads going on. Anyone tell me? A fool living in a dark dark world on my own? Lonely like wth la. lalala~i am lame.I dun even noe wad i doing now siol. I got broken heart? truly not sure :/ Friday, January 8, 2010 ![]() LOLOLOL. BOOM!!! ![]() Cant see me rite? gd ^^ ![]() HIHIHI :D Abit blur luhzxc. ![]() Cheese :) Just post some pics luh. Alot people wan see me in uniform ><> Making no sense. LOLS. Still have to go to the inauragation ceremony later. DDD: NVM. think will have fun bahs? Dun wan post le. :D Anw argh~~ YIROU! pls dun post tht pic and th ask my name thingy. Ans anw again,melissa tan and yirou at my house now but they enjoying cup noodle. Nvr let me eat ): lols. is i dun wan eat de lah :P I AM SO LAME. Tuesday, January 5, 2010 Beginning to like Kranji more le. Cos of the orientation :DDD Morning 6.30 am reached school.Lalala~ Went to hall. Blablabla. Then have the interclass sports competition? Quite fun la. Then recess le. tht sports thing very long sia. cheer like hell. Recess fooled around. Then got the kranji mass dance again! WTH! me and yirou purposely choose the sit beside *someone*. Then another kind of dance. Luaghing like wth again. Its really damn funny canzxc?! Then the bryan? keep acting then bang over-.-" Have to keep siam. Then wad arh? STM LA. ps. Had lunch.Played arh? got the game. nid turn arounf 15 times then walk Z shape de. alot people fall at the part after turning 15 rounds. i nvr! muahahah! i still got offer sia. Dun nid do the tap tap thingy :))) thn got spot the difference. the blind woMAN. Got the idk wad izzit called la. have to hold hands de. with boys somemore. EEEE. Was complaining like hell then held a finger each only. Still got more games. forgotten the name le lar. Then took quite a long time Had talk from those graduating the huever is it. Then was time for the stonzer? to dance. damn freaking funny. Laughing like omg. really cannot tahan la. Then dinner time. bento set. eeks. dun like :X eat alittle only. muahaha. then rush to change shirt. me and yirou change into BPPS de. so cool canzxc?! not like kranji de. KNS. Then went through the script. Then went to gather for campfire. Cool manzxc?! Dunno like a fireball was thrown or wadever down to the campfire there. :DDD Then our class was like going through those cheers. love the cheers! Then had to shout it out. :DDD i love it i love it. ps. a little high larh. Then act the script. muahaha. i am the so called good people. in the end still smack those "bullies" = the boys. then drizzle. stupid rain. :@ Then shout all those cheers again. Then those GL or the helpers la. Was performing something. Like siao ding dong :X Then end liao. Gonna miss those GL. i tink... dunno they coming tomorrow anot ): wish they got come. Anw so cham sia. 6.30am straight to 8.30 pm. Make me go home damn dizzy. plus tomorrow still have school. sot de DDD: Anw so happy 1a at least hyper abit liao. *woots* OLE.OLE.OLE.OLE.OLE.OLE Monday, January 4, 2010 Hi. Me hate school to the core. lalala~ It sucks. :X Lalala. Meet melissa went to school. blahblahblah. Then lalalala~~ Lols. Went to classroom then class got hyper. Got a few funny funny the cheers. Then play games. quite fun. Then went to have lunch. Then the zh keep ask for greentea. LOLS. Then fooled around. hohoho~ Then went up hall. hehehe~ Had the stupid kranji mass dance. Totally dk how to dance till now. muahaha. But somebody dance till damn NICE lorh!!! Me and yirou was laughing like OMG de larh. Then got very sian.. Went lot1 awhile. hahaha. its a stupid post i noe. BUT I TOTALLY HAVE NO MOOD~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last thing to remind all of you again. SCHOOL SUCKS! :D Anw tomorrow will be a tiring day~~D: Friday, January 1, 2010 ![]() Remember tht time i say i got 1st prize in the lucky draw? Wadever... I nth to do then go take pic. :))) I'm not ready for school! argh~ Anw. Again. Happy new year! LOLS. Today went boonlay there countdown. Was slacking abit there la. Then night le jiu play more. Was walking around...Then watch the performance? LOLS. Its funny de lorh. Then going to countdown soon then we took out the spray thingy. Then police say cannot spray. Then i keep in bag lorh. Mummy they say dun wan spray ma. Then in the end mummy first to spray! Then all chaos liao lorh. My spray still in bag i there sending sms. Then jus stood still there. Shocked ma. Then in the end i have colourful "hair" leh! all bully me. Cannot even really see the firework! :@ Then rush out le larh... Anw.. To all good friends: 2009 is over. 2010 is here. Ty all for making my 2009 life full of joy,sorrow,and anger. Its fun with all of you. I will nvr forget those times we fooled around.listen attentively in class. it may be 2010 le. But i will always remember those days we spent in 2009. Will remember all of you deeply!Have fun in sec sch but meet up often! Almost cried when typing this out. Too emotional le? lols. To all 6h`09 classmates( except B & L) :P: Some included in good friends la. But still. Hahas. Remember those days we fooled around? Miss goh always saying she is beautiful,sexy,elegant,intelligent,strong teacher and all of us kept "coughing"? Its just luck we could be in the same class la.Trying to catch up with other class. And lots more... Thanks all of you for being such good friends.Wish we could have class party every year bahs, :))) Jus end my post here ba. Byebye :'-( OMG,am i crying? lols. >< |