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Plurk,♥ Friday, February 26, 2010 Hehee:) lols. lovedie 6h`09! Physics. I dont like k. Today got FD. Actually say need to hold boys the hand cos dk wad shit,crappy dance lah. Then everybody there " NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then can dunnid. Then teacher say wad i also dont understand siol. Sia lah, Aini and yirou damn sick k. LOL. Was talking to yirou nvr heard wad mr derrick said, thn ask jiaxuan. She say mr derrick say maybe nid touch those guy de body. LMAO. -.-" Mr derrick is such gay k. Then lesson end. I was like fooling thn they all keep say i enthu wan touch those guys. No horh. wlaozxc.:@ Then maths. Blah. Lesson. Sian. Assembly. Played. Went home. lols. I today damn guai siol :D hahaa Thursday, February 25, 2010 Today RCP. Then chinese, Thn was talking to samuel luh.Talk about ytd de things and blah. Then PE. I didnt want to play tht long skipping rope k. Then was swinging the skipping rope. Swing one time le jiu somehow rofl like mad. Cos i keep like slap people with the skipping rope. Then blah. Lessons. Nth much. The CE. Got into groups luhh. Me yirou xinyi and bernice. I got crazy k. I go say the person in the newsaper is my father then i draw a mole on his face :X Then they keep slapping me cos i keep laughing. Then yirou go knock me head. :@ lols Then ip coaching. Went to mother shop. Melissa they all want cut hair ma. Then ahyi also there siol. Keep laughing also luh. Nth much happened too... Wednesday, February 24, 2010 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARCUS.C! XP Marc.C : Happy 13th birthday! Old le worh. :X hahaa Stay happy always. Have fun in swiss. Hope you like the present i gave you . Last long yupps. Stay 帅 always. :P Today got abit more hyper luh, Geo lesson the edmond come over to bastard the seat. Then started talking crap. LOL. Actually nth much to say luh, Then calligraphy lesson. The teacher keep say me siol. Xiasuay. Then after lesson wash the thingy. Blah. Waited for xinyi. Then tht asshole edmond swing the plate with the ink in it. Tio my shirt,mouth also tio. Fuck. Screamed and went to wash. Shirt comfirm cannot wash clean de luh. then i was talking on the phone with shengwei then i scream then xiasuay also. Damn fed up den chiong to lot1. Saw Marc.c they all. Was covering my fringe then they all copy me. :X Then we delayed the time. Mw buaysong. Then want walk away. Then we also go lo. Then we just keep walking around. blah. The shengwei ho. At the minitoons keep dancing siol :X damn funny canzxc? They wanted go roof garden then mw first to go on the escalator then he was doing a stupid expression or action. blah, Then mc follewed and lastly shengwei. LOL lorh. Was finding for xinyi they all. Then after tht found them xinyi bought mc a present. LOL. very cute de. Thn i gave mc his present. Hope he dont mind tht stupid gift :X Then blah. Samuel came? Then walk. Went to gift a name or wad crap la. Was talking then shengwei say want give a present to someone when the someone the bday reach. I tink i noe who izzit bah. I got a present? idk why i got it too. Father called yirou. Shocked. Then chiong. Went tuition immediately. My hand still blue black siah. Tht time chinese new year alicia sit on me. Weixiong trip over my head then landed on me with a baby in his hand-.- Bye Tuesday, February 23, 2010 I noe i very ugly. But i dont give a fking damn.Lazy to rotate also. Seriously, I regretted hating 6H`09 tht once. Idk why luh. I really have been emo-ing this few days. Even people ask me why so emo. I want to be hyper! But how?! I srs have no idea. You let me go for any gatherings with primary school friends would make me hyper for tht while. Very hyper indeed. But after tht. Started to get more emo. Idk why liddat and dont wish it was like tht. I miss BPPS!<3 The 6 years spent there really is precious to me. Hope friendship can last forever. So 6h`09! Every year a gathering can? :X Dont call me organise k? I ask alot people all call me organise. I very lousy de siah. Nth to update this few days. Cos i have been emo-ing. Anw i doodled on the back of the foolscap paper. All 6h`09 de stuffs i tink.. Monday, February 22, 2010 I really hope i can go back to primary school. If i could go back,i would treasure every moment there. I miss my friends. D: I hate secondary school! ): I cant really cope tht well now. Test all the time. Graded assignment? All crap la. Whenever i see a student wearing bpps uniform. I feel like telling them to treasure every moment there.Most probably they will say i am crazy. But hope they will understand how i feel after leaving bpps. And everything is not wad i expected luh. :O i like so emo siol. D: Sunday, February 21, 2010 Somehow i cut my fringe and its looking damn fucking ugly. I hate it ttm manx. Got crazy with alicia nowadays. Super horny canzxc?LOL Haiz, i hate my fringe! damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn. And secret is a secret :D Thursday, February 18, 2010 Today abit emo. I really dk why though. ): Didnt really get hyper at all this few days. Did i? O: After school me and jiaxuan was like walking around dk for wad la. Then walk past senior, they suddenly say " eh,she dye her hair siol. " This most probably saying about me le luh. I did not dye my hair fyi :) Then went to library,used the com to play and do hw lah. Me chiong-ing all the way. Run here run there, asking question. Then we went to on the fan. David on 3. Fan damn power siol. Hair messy dao~~ Then copy here copy there. Do till 4 plus went home luh. Bye. My post not interesting i noe. Cos my life is boring~~ Sunday, February 14, 2010 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHENGWEI! Shengwei : P4 same chinese class. P5 P6 same form class and chinese class. LOL. I remember last year after my bday party u said nobody will remember your bday. I remember leh. lols. You have always been a nice kor. You always hyper,thts the shengwei i know. Nowadays you keep emo-ing. Me also will sad de ok? Anw HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! <3 Received quite a number of smses. I was crying though. A new year, the feeling is just like all of us are being separated. Hope tht 6H`09 can stay together forever! Friday, February 12, 2010 ![]() We Roxx! ![]() 6H`09 ![]() ![]() Me and Gelyn:D ![]() ![]() Reflection~~ ![]() Me and Mummie! ![]() ![]() ![]() Me , Potty and Mummie. ![]() Me and ChioChio Potty xP Picturezxc. Rachel,Nicole,Me. Today Morning, Blah. Got the wad lion dance thing lah. Then went back class. Then fire drill. Was to sit on the field, its a little wet :/ eee Sit then they all deesiao me cos i scared got worm D: Yirou still say my bday want buy me mealworm. We were like plucking grass then say is worm. They make me i scream. Then they laugh -.-" Then really got a worm. I jumped up siol :X Then concert. Me keep rollling on the floor. Keep tio zap by miguel and yirou. Shouted and laughed. Concert finish. Then off to bpps. We like saw mr wee then faster run off :/ Then played. I was damn freaking hyper de lorh. Keep shouting.Then me and potty saw each other we were like running to eachother. Then cos got a pillar ma,then we went the wrong side. lols. Then played. Waited for more people to come. Willeen came,followed by more people eventually. Fun. Long time no so hyper le siol D: Then potty help us buy bubbletea. Loveyouluh!. Then me and melissa playing mini waterfight, my uniform freaking transculent. Then decided to go to cc. Went there i hyper also. Keep taking pics. Talked. Played murdeder with zhenhong,shengwei,zonghong,peihan,gelyn,potty,still got who arh? :O Keep laughing and screaming. And keep playing lorh. Miss goh came! :D woolala~ Its like she walk here then we all ran over to her shouting 'missgoh!" Talked. She still as pretty as ever :DDD Took pictures~ 6H`09 roxx luh!<3 Then bus-ed home with darrell? Thursday, February 11, 2010 Hi. Basically emo-ing the whole day. PE they play captain's ball i sit at a corner.Thinking about the PE last time. Almost cried k? ... Then recess,blahs. Lessons started to emo again. In class was thinking about the past. The fun i had. Almost cried again. Then school lesson end. Was to go for the english thingy thing. They eat,i emo again. Went back class emo again. Till the end. I wanted to go. was shouting teacher damn loud and she was like "give me a minute" Alot minute le k?! Then i continued shouting. I shout untill i cannot tahan i began laughing like hell. Alot people looking at me then come ask me whether i ok anot. Continued laughing :/ Then went to lot1? wadever la. haiz, so i mean like tht to u? Tuesday, February 9, 2010 Today not tht fun luh. Morning trying to chiong D AND T. Thn wadever crapshit luh. Went back class,chinese class. Fooled. Then english, realised bastard ang nvr come. Ytd he got fever call him go home dont want go home luh. I had nobody to quarrell with siah. Sadded. Then recess,was like got dk wad la. Then they play songs,dedicate to people. Got nobody,down,one time,bad romance and more. I tink. Then d and t le. Die,4 i only do 1. Teacher say want me stay back do. Then i in class chiong. Went to the workshop,bored. Then ran back classroom went bio (it) blahzxc. Then cos we drag the time till 1.25 pm when maths lesson supposed to start at 1. Then maths teacher buaysong. 1.30pm gave us test. Let us do till 2 plus. kns. Then chiong lorh. Totally forgot how to do luh. My mind was blank. I shocked man! Heck care. pass up to teacher den go home lorh. Today piano lesson fun :D Monday, February 8, 2010 Yo! Just back from school and having a bad headache :S Morning i was like sian sian la. Then blahblahblah. Lit became hyper although i hate lit lah. Cos got group work mah. Then the bastard ang say he got fever. Me and shamaine was like every 5 min call him take temperature and call him tell teacher then he dont want :/ i call him tell teacher cos i dont want him sitting beside me. cos he is damn irritating lorh. Then THR. another lame one... Me alittle emo-ing :D Then lesson over~woo~ Then Went to limbang with yirou,bernice and xinyi AKA xiutong. Was really damn hyper canzxc? Had to call mummy cos staying back. Now they damn strict to me,so bobian i call. Then when i called. was someone i dont wish to see,i end ur laughing like a siaozharbor. Then me laughing tht time yirou slap me. :@ But then i still continue laughing :D Then mother answered,told her. Blahblah. Went macs eat. still hyper. Me and xiutong was like kajiaoing each other. Mei bully jie siah :/ Then finsh eating le,they say i no tuck in lorh. Me was like "quarrelling" with mei. Then yirou say she wont win de. MUAHAHAH, Blahzxc. Then damn funny la. Then wanted to chiong back school see the tug of war competition. Then i was like kidding saying i want go NTUC. Then yirou and xiutong say want go. then went in. I got crazy again. YiROU taking bag then i pull her bag and blahz. I was like walking in circles,laughing like wth. Then went cashier,me chop place for xiutong siah :D Then we dunno say about wad la. Then i laughed like crazy again. Then the cashier or wadever also laughing :D (i bring so much joy to people) JKJK Then chiong back school. Miss Megha told us 1A won the first round. Then damn happy la. Then the weather i buay tahan i snatch melissa the drink :) Then we went to buy also la. i meant melissa bought for me and yirou! :D lols. Then went back see match. Our class also won the 2nd round. Thn the samuel horh. keep hitting my head. Then he go tell Ms Megha he hit my head -.-" Then dk teacher say wad la. Then he still keep hitting. then i tried to hit him back but then he too tall :/ Then me and yirou together want hit him in the end he hit us more than we hit him. Then we call bernice and belinda to help? Then ok le :D Samuel still go find teacher say we bully him. In the end teacher say wad crap i also cannot hear luh. Then he allowed us to hit him. WE hit damn hard siol :D Then 3rd round we lost la. We compete the NT the siol. Then they was like suddenly let go the rope then almost all our classmates fell :/ fcuk. Yirou damn buaysong siah :X Then we dont wan see le jiu take bus home. On the bus horh. Something damn cool happened~ :DDD Later i say i tio arh, so cannot. Fun day :D && i use alot thn in a post :/ Friday, February 5, 2010 Today damn freaking hyper. Have to tie tie,sian~ Folkdance. I kinda hate it. I dont like to dance k?! Then instructor was like call us put our right leg in front first,then go back to normal and then left leg to the back then back again. Boys also have to do. so GAY Then blahblah. Lesson end. Instructor told the us to walk like tht everytime. Then i starting to LOL. Cos its like if we always walk like tht,we will nvr reach any place. We will just stay at the same spot. I laugh like OMG then alot people ask if i ok anot. LOLs. Went back class then play,study,and blahs. Starting was abit sian. Then after recess i got alittle crazy. Chinese lesson. Then teacher want give out things then the samuel helped teacher. Then he walk to everybody and say "你要那,你要用两只手。 This is called manners." Me and yirou was laughing like OMG cos he was like walk to everyone then say the same thing and if people nvr do wad he want,he wont give you the paper.Everybody was like bobian.all guaiguai use 2 hand take the paper. Then yirou was like saying he tot he giving out cert arh? lols. I was like talking to shamaine,and partner. We keep talking about tht chengwen. We keep laughing and laughing, I even drew his face on the paper. Then i was laughing like wth. Alot people look at me la. but who cares? not me. Also keep tio meh by teachers cos keep talking >.< Then lesson end,went locker put things den went home :DDDD Thursday, February 4, 2010 Hi. Last few days lazy to post anything >_< Today morning,cos of something,was like shocked dao~~ lols. Then study. blah. Chinese today dk wad la. Was damn funny. eg :actually is, 你能为我而死吗? :then was thought to be 你能喂我耳屎吗? find it super funny. Then PE. blahblah. In class kinda went hyper. Keep laugh laugh. my partner go throw my oen then was suppose to land outside,in the end hit me on the head :S Then go home le la. No mood :/ |