Music, Sincerely,♥ ![]() Currently attached to SBF, since 10.07.09. ^^ Messages,♥
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Plurk,♥ Monday, March 29, 2010 Back from school :D Today basically, was trying to clip my hair all the way. Cos got grooming check. LOL. Nth much happened till after recess. We damn kanchiong cos the grooming check. In the end we walk short cut thn no prefect, no teacher there. So nvm liao. Geography talk talk talk. Lit talk about rice in the clay marble. Thn talk untill rice ballss. Thn 5 of us, keep talking about tht lahh. Gross manz. Thn was drawing~~ Before thr. yirou snatch the book. Put those words under the visualiser or wad crap. idk how to spell. Was like so bloody shocked thn scream luhh-.- Thr, blahh. After school. Slacked. Edmond lee take the book. he keep running here running there. Srsly damn pissed k. Thn went limbang buy drink. There the bubbletea $1 only. LMAO. Thn buy sweet. Go back. talk. They snatch my sweet-.- Nh much. Talking to belinda they all. Belinda keep say i zi-lian :X no k. Bye :D Sunday, March 28, 2010 Like LOL k. But then i find it damn cute. Bhb right? xP Stupid transit or wad take this ez-link card away D: Saturday, March 27, 2010 Basically woke up 6am this morning. Prepared and off to school. Played. Laughed. Damn tired k. Maybe just upload a few pics about today de tomorrow. LOL. Kkay. Bye. My parents dont want let me use com liao. How?! Haiyoo. D: Friday, March 26, 2010 HELLOOOOOO~ WILLEEN TEO CHIO BU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Juts got back from school. Early yeap? LOL. K lahh. Today folk dance. Was recapping dance step. I => dance-retard. Thn got the pink panther move to me. The retro move? LOL. Keep laughing. Thn went back for lesson. Nth much really happened luhh :) Recess. Chinese lesson. Darryl was like dk is pissed off or sad? Cos his wallet and handphone gone :S Thn carry on with lesson. End school liao 11.50am. Ms megha call people help her arrange the table and blahs. && Me, of cos helped lahh. LMAO. Table finish liao want to sweep. People steal our class the broom D: LOL. Thn went to take from 1B. Then me and xinyi holding on then yirou want snatch ): Then i was screaming for ms megha de help. Thn she just laugh :S Thn Sweeeeeeepppppppppppppp. Went to eat lorhh. Teacher keep say i maths bad. Wad crap also have lahh. Say i dont answer to teacher question in class but with friends i keep laughing and talking damn loud, LOL. Thn bye. Nth much. Went out, father suddenly say " 我回家要打她“ cos alot my friends outside. Thn kovan say " 我更惨,妈妈来我被他杀死。 “ Then father was like laughing. Then talked awhile. Want go off le. Thn i go tell kovan " Later your mother want kill you right, use your porcopine head to poke her lahh" Thn got hear de all laugh? O: Funny meh? .__. Nth to do luhh k. Me lovedie apple + carrot juiceeeee! LOL. Thursday, March 25, 2010 Finally going to update. Hah. Todayyy. No maths! Happy~ Morning got the skid by k-production. Funny. Thn went back class for chinese lesson. Teacher brought us to AVA room. Thn played so called game. Was sabo-ed luhh :@ Thn blahh. Nth much happened. Thn recess, our class xiasuay. LOL. Then physics, got cuaght by teacher for passing letter :S Then english. Thn CE. I was laughing like hell? Cos the edmon come. Thn talktalktalk. Thn he keep take my things then he go put my pencil case on the window, den if close jiu drop out mahh. Thn ms megha saw den she say" better make it drop" I was like WTH?! Thn started laughing. LOL. Thn teacher say "thn you will know wad is going to happen tomorrow." LOL. Thn he go drop chengting the pencil case then he tell teacher wan go pass motion. Thn he came back after a few second. Thn teacher was like so pissed? LOL. Thn me, shamaine, chengting, edmond was like stepping on each other the leg lahh. Thn edmond go use rubberband shoot my leg. Pain. Thn end school. Went lot1 luhh. Saw him. Thn saw kor and juneyi and juneyi the friend. Went around. Eat. Blah. Thn went library lorhhh. Nth much lahh. Bus-ed home. Walk under the rain. End of post :D LOL. bye. Sunday, March 21, 2010 This pic like dont look like me lehhh. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ytd at my mum shop luhh, Nth to do lehhh. All pics super uber ugly lahh ): Thursday, March 18, 2010 Random pic! Gross? They were playing frisbee at the 2nd level from 1 end to another. Niceeee I love this stickerrrr! = Heyyo, No time to post ytd. Shall post nowww! Went to school. Got back all papers le! Did badlyyyy. D: Went macs, eat. Played. Wanted to go limbang park. But thn so warm how go? Thn went back school. Slacked abitt. Went to lot1 with yirou. We forgotten to do the finger print thingy, OMFG! Nvm. Was walking around. Saw shanwei. Blahss. Went up to roof garden talked. Went library somehow gossip? Thn back home! Went malaysia. The lion dance cool siahh. LOL. The firecracker almost made me deaf :X GRRR. nth much le lahh. Bye!!! Tuesday, March 16, 2010 Ass-es Forever!. LOL. We are lame. People should know it. ![]() I find this 2 damn funny. Idk why. && i know i look fking ugly. You all dunnid say i also know luhh. But then i was borned like tht. So i dont really give a damn k. Heyyo peopleeeee. Ytd went mum's shop. Gelyn camee when i was doing my "movie" LOL. Of cos went accompany her luhh ;D Played , chatted. Blahh. Nth much to post about bahh. And so shocked i can tahan dao 3am thn i sleep. LOL. kay luhh. Some pics. Friday, March 12, 2010 Me and yirou sit the table. Was in a chaos due to those boys. The boys table. Some fries on the table are thrown most by me, though lots ended on the floor :X So blooddyyyyy cool. With mixture of ice,chilli,fries,pepper,suger,coke,Mcwing drumstick , the bone, yingzheng's saliva :S Today quite funn yeap. Morning got folk dance, was actually the leader. Keep kajiao teacher say i damn lousy then yay! Me at the back nao! :DD Thn Blah. Actually nth muchh at first luhh. Study. Steal people th test paper look at mark and do correction. :P LOL. English teacher was pissed again? LOL. Thn went Macs with yirou. Eating then os the yingzheng they all at another table. Yingzheng come pour all the frenchfries out then i started throwing fries at themm :D Thn Blahh. Yingzheng go take a fries put alot the hot and spicy the thing thn de feed me worh. LMAO. He sorta dared me, so eat lahh. Then he go put other fries in my water. Pissed. Me wan drink siol. Thn keep throwing fries. Then Started with our NICE mixture of drink yeap. Suddenly a teenager or wad talk to me. Me shocked. Say lame stuffs. Shall not say wad she say. LOL. Thn went back, played with rainnn. Went to 2a classroom. Our class went crazyy. Started to boom boom boom. LOL. :// Then the thingy start, Keep talking thn teacher keep scold. We damn noisy luhh. The edmond sit behind me. i was like so suay canz? The dance and the band nicenice :DD Thursday, March 11, 2010 Heyyo. reached schol 6.35 am. But mii 7 am thn go find yirou they all:X Dont feel like talking about it luh :D Thn RCP. Kovan and miguel was chasing each other, throwing shoes around, taking the broom. Blah. Laugh like hell. And the edmond keep making me laugh lorhh. :/ Was like sooooo crazzzzyy. Then talked. Chinese, other classes had to do a test. Our class dunnid. Then went crazy again. Played like siao. Yirou sabo-ed :@ Blahhh. PE. Ran, played. Skipping rope as yirou wanted. Fall onto the ground again :D Funny Then recess. Physics. English, pissed. Ce, wrote to yirou something~~ I tink she will post on blog wad i wrote :X Did it our of boredom luhh :P Then went limbang. Nth much. I go call my piano teacher play school song :P Wednesday, March 10, 2010 Tiring day today yuppz? Morning rain bigbig. Then No pe. Thn was chiongin the drama thing. Then lessons, siann is all i can say :S Then recess me went dentist. Like so damn fking fast. LOL. Then Drama. Kyra their group damn fking good. Not like ours. Shit. The edmond the group use th flour as bombing effect. In the end was like so many people had to help them clean up. I did not :D Then our group last group then we delayed 1 period of maths. Still wear our home clothes during maths lesson. After tht wan go change, waited for xinyi. Xinyi and yirou pissed me off once and again. Got calligraphy. I was like started drawing on the newspaper. Damn freaking funny aites? Hahaha. Then waited till the rehearsal thing start. Running around. Blah. They play frisbee till the window pichia. Gosh. HA. Rehearsal. Lame. "I tell you when to CRAB/CRAP" When its supposed to be clap? Then went to play taboo! Funn. Me was like so thinking dirty. Cos the check eng say woman the body the in front. Wad will you guess? :X Was ROFL. Its FACE luhh. LMAO. Still got alot damn funny de. :D Then went tuition. Only had proper meal at 8pm lo... Tuesday, March 9, 2010 Random Pics taken today :DDD ![]() ![]() heyyoooooo once again! :D Morning damn emo. hahahaa. Chinese keep talk talk talk. LOL. Eng, ms megha pissed again. :D Me suddenly remember ytd i shouted at her " Pls get your facts right lahh!!!" Damn loud ;DD Then recess, Bought things with yirou, eat. Was talking bout bpps again!. && There was Kranji Idol. Me scream damn loud yea? :P FriendFriend mahh. Then D & T. LOL. Continue my thing. Samuel's phone got confiscated. Sadded. By Miss low of cos. LOL. Bio it next, Seriously went mad. Yirou, xinyi and me continued with the butt hitting thing :X Pain ya noe? Was like i stand there both of them suddenly hit me damn hard. Then i was like "OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Loud :DD So xiasuay! :@ Then me fell on the ground ROFL. Then got emo alittle. Maths. Hate it :D Then blahhh. Stayed backk. Shouting like wth. RAIN BIGBIG LEHHH. LOL. Reached home at around 5pm :D && Me got slapped by THT BASTARD! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks :@@@ {EDITED} Ohya. The edmond go shoot the rubberband at me, then he went to shoot the bastard. Then the bastard was like jumping up and down. Damn funny so i laughed like siao. Thts the reason why he slapped me luhh. Monday, March 8, 2010 Heyyo! :DD Today got back some results.Basically all sucks :D Was crapping in the morning. Recess something HAPPENED... Then blahh. Tht bastard ang wad trying to take my phone out of my bag. Me sqeeze his hand. LOL. Then was laughing like crazy cos the aini keep hitting the chair. Then a guy was basically shocked? and jumped up. LOL. THR. Slack time. The edmond was like came over then crapped with aini they all luhh. Damn horny lorh. like wtf. Also laughed like siao. :/ Wad Bastard did to me today : Hit my eye with the glue. -pain- Step my leg - pain- Hit me with my book - pain- Throw my book outside the window -lameass- Eventually he got pissed :DD Back to post. Then went out classroom, blah. Me gonggong stand there. Frisbee hit my neck, - damn fking pain- Neck got very numb. Then pain. Went lot1. :X LALALA~ Someone found out i still bite mii hand :/ Nth much. Bye :D Sunday, March 7, 2010 Saturday, March 6, 2010 BPPS ROXX.
6H`09 ROXX TTM! <3 6H`09, Really miss all of you. We are getting more and more like strangers, Why? Till now i still cant get use to sec school life. All Total strangers to me. I really hate to leave all of you. When primary school ends, we said to each other we must keep in touch, stay as friends forever. But how long izzit really gonna last till? Anyone helping me find the old SiaXiuMing. I cant find the XiuMing i used to be. I really want to be hyper like how i was before. But izzit even possible now? Everything changes. Some may even forget the fun we used to have. Playing with only new friends now. It has been 3 months only. But some friends treat me like stranger? Never in my whole life did i expect tht yeap. Me like writing crap luhh. But thts how i feel nao. Sec school, made friends. But were they as reliable as all of you all were? Nvr. I dont understand stupid MOE. Making people lose best friends, and blahs. Pissed off today, like again? Wadever. Was so emooooooooooooo. Friday, March 5, 2010 Ello! Woots! Commontest over :D Today abit siao. Morning chiong to read maths. Wanted to do it ytd night de lorh. But den ytd read lit the book read till 7 jiu sleep le >.< No choice. Blah. Maths suxx nao! Cos of tht stupid Miss low. Kns. Then went canteen. Bought juice :D Me drank 2 cup pf apple + carrot . Niceee. Was reading and drinking. Me was so engrossed canx? LOL. Then went back classroom. Sat in front. Then the mr chua was like holding on to the wadever thingy. Then shouted damn loud, Like wth lorh. Then xinyi and yirou shouted "**************************************************" ( not accurate arh. ) Blah. Damn pissed. Tht person must be so pissed too :D Then had to go into classroom. Stood up xinyi pull my skirt -.- Teacher was like just in front of me then i suddenly say "OUCH!" The teacher gave a damn pissed face. AHAHAA. LOL. Then went in. Started the class. Blah. Finish le den was looking around the classroom. I keep laughing to myself lorh, llike crazy liddat. Nth to do bite my arm :D LOL. Look here look there. End. Can go home le :D LOL. nth much.. Bye! :D Thursday, March 4, 2010 I LOVE MARCUS CHUA WEN JIANG!!! Tuesday, March 2, 2010 Second post of the day. Specially for Potty <3 , Me really miss you damn damn much luhh. We argue and patch. Known you since p1 rite? Had an enjoyable time with you. Got hyper together. Laugh like siao and blahs. Me always make me cry lorh. Saying things tht make me miss youuuuuuuuuu so muccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhh. Lovedieyou. Tht time went 'gathering" thn u got sweet thn you were giving out to some people and you gave me my favourite. Was like so shocked. Didnt noe you noe. So touched siah D: && Have been trying to keep in touch. Potty cannot emo arh. Must hyper. Must be the usual u. Even though i cant be hyper without all of you alr. Realised i really became very not hyper. D: I really miss all of you damn much. Me 24 hr just for you. Need me,call me or sms me. When you ahppy share with me xP Sad, let me accomapny k? Pissed off today too. Wadever. Blah siah. Starting of the day usually nth to post about. Kk. English thn me and yirou was daring other to write something on our hand. Of cos i dare luhh. Thn wrote. Thn also willing wrote something on my hand. Blah, LMAO. D & T was like so sian. Keep ask the teacher question untill she pissed off :D Thn Bio(it). Outside the lab. Me was so pleased with those words i wrote willingly on my hand. Tn i delibrately in front of yi rou the face, Thn she suddenly screamed for someone the name and held my hand damn tight. Of cos i screamed and hide my hand immediately. Shocked k. Went crazy basically. Keep smacking yirou they all the butt :X Of cos they smack me back luh D: Maths. Was drawing on my hand. :D Then lesson end. Accompany xinyi to refill her waterbottle. Then walked out with yirou,crysalis,xinyi,zonghong,edmond,chengting and junkang? Damn funny k. Damn horny also. Keep laughing. Thn went limbang, Was like wanted to go into a store,but then the door there damn cooling. so stand there. Then the owner was like saying alot people do tht too. LOL. KK. Then went lot1 bought food~ Then headed back home with yirou xinyi and crysalis. Got back home they so crazy can? -.- Then melissa came! Woo~ LOL. Then blah luhh. Me wan go revise work leh. Monday, March 1, 2010 ME DAMN PISSED TODAY!!! :@ Class was bored. Keep laughing with yirou. She sit beside me. Then she keep miss me then call me. LOL :$ Blah. Me today keep tio shock also luhh. Dont want say why. Xiasuay. LOL. Shall skipskipskip :D School end. Went out of school. Walked,talked,chatted. Then behind got the who arh?'Junkang,shawn,edmond. Whoever it is. Dunnid care. Walk to bus-stop me hyper. Something damn xiasuay happened i tink. Went lot1.Ate. Saw 孙老师 :D Cool~~ Then yirou they all come my house. They were hogging onto the com k? lols. blah... |