Music, Sincerely,♥ ![]() Currently attached to SBF, since 10.07.09. ^^ Messages,♥
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Plurk,♥ Saturday, May 29, 2010 HappyBirthday uhh Ass :) Me loveeeeee you! Tag Replies! (Latest to the oldest) --------------------------- {C}.Xinyi : LOL, yeahh. dont give a damn luhh. ♥/Jingmin : Hi Meimei :) ShiYingz, : Hi. Darrell : Huh? chien huei : Thks <3 someone : but i tink i know who you are. Darrell : Thks. MWCJ : Thks Dajie (: : LOL, the card must keep properly horh. xP Thks & aini too :) weiwei : LOL, wont forget you de lahh :) IYYY : Yo mummyyy! abbby : Thks <3 Xinyi : Thks. Dont sad, Darrell : Thks. Joyce : Thks @ 586394 : Hihi {♥}C.JiaJun :Me no chio bu, but anw thks :) HiDDayah : thks :) chien huei : Hello! Missyoutoo! gelyn/♥ : Thks *muacks* Hello : -.- Darrell : thks. Tuesday, May 25, 2010 Hello :) Shall post about today thnnnnnn, Morning was like idk why but dont have chinese luhh. Thn ms megha came. Thn after awhile need go hall liao. Before going to hall thn was chiong-ing some undone homework luhh. Thn when i was packing. cos its like got selected thn had to go to ptm. like 7 out of 40? am 1 of the 7. LOL. Thn i suddenly walk up to ms megha thn was like shouting " Ms megha, dont badmouth me lahh, i promise i finish all hw on time " Damn loud, i tink she got shocked :x LOL. was laughing like crazy when walking out the class. basically funny. Thn went hall, stupid mdm lee luhh. Talking with yirou thn she saw. LOL :x got scolded. Principal sehh. feel so honoured. LOL :P Thn recess, emo. blahhh, thn went back class. Mr chua came into our class. Showed wad incredible -.- Thn was crapping abit luhh. Thn they saw wormmmmmieeeee~ Yirou go say i scared worm. Thn jooann take the worm chase me. screaming like whatthefuck. disgusting like wad crap lo. Thn was like so ''serious'' with work Xinyi indeed damn serious :) Thn want no time le ):< rush down to hall with yirou. saw junior! :D Although didnt know all or wad. Still cool (Y) Emcee was like saying bukit panjang primary school thn me and yirou screamed ;D LOL. Didnt know whr was my wallet. TADAAAA ): LOL. xinyi they all got it back for meeeee :DDDDD Blahhhh. Nth much. BYEEEEEE. Thursday, May 20, 2010 Shall post about today ;D Morning was cursing tht damn doctor! ):< Call him go and die lahh. He dont want live people wan live de leh! :@ Thn RCP, didnt do much things, slacking away? After tht chinese teacher came. Blahhhhhhhh! Went the idk wad kite thingy. COOL! (Y) Recess, blahhhhhh~ Went back class, fold heartttttt~ Ms megha came in thn call us check our marks. screw it :D Was fooling around. She damn pissed with us. LOL. Was helping jiaxuan fold heart also :D Thn th miguel go stick the paper on my back. :/ Went to find xinyi, realised today miguel the hair damn curlyyyyy~ Thn he say he superman-.- LOL. jooan keep snatch my straw the heart :@ Thn was talking to jiaxuan they all. Thn say i very anti-vulgar they dont believe ): :P Wrote on the whiteboard saying i very anti-vulgar thn the shawnlee extra, keep erase -.- thn vandalise the table. Keep pointing middle finger at miguel. He point at me first mahh. Thn want go home le. Miguel open his bag, realise something's wrong. not his bag. Thn i realised its my bag. whatthehellllll! Thn went lot1. Blahhhh~ Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Finally back. I'm tired )': Cried like hell today. Yeah, dont feel like talking about it anymore. D: Played monopoly ytd. LOL. Thn around 4 plus thn sleep. I purposely dont open the door for weixiong they all xP Wadeverrrrrrrrrrrr, screw my exam. TAG REPLIES! ---------------------- @ 586394 : Hello star ^^ , tagged ! (L) => Hi! Meetup soon! Thks :) Checkeng♥ : TAG!!!!!!!!! ![]() => Thks! Darrell : Wah. kiss uu siol => HUH? Hello : How u noe who am i? => Cos its obvious? @ 586394 : XiuMing ! tagged aites ! ![]() => Thks :D Darrell : Tagged! LOL. => Thks? Joyce : Tagged tagged <3 => Hi! Thks :) abbbby : Taggged (: Smile always kay? I'm random-ish now >.< => LOL. Ok, Thks. {♥}C.JiaJun : taggg => Thks :D gelyn/♥ : Tagged. Cheer up okie. ilovedieyou <3> Thks, Will try. Lovedieyou too. Venus ! : TAGGGG ! => THKS :D Shanwei : Tag mei! => Thks erxin kor. ♥/Jingmin : Hi jie (-: => Hi mei <3> Thks didi. Haha. Joyce : Tagged pretty <3> Not pretty luhh. @ 586394 : Heys girl => LOL. Hi. {♥}C.JiaJun : tagggg => LOL. Thks. erra : xiuming ..! tagged . ^^ => Thks, Long time no see yeah. meet up soon. Wanyi : Halo!!! taqqed => Thks! Darrell : TAGTAGTAGTAGTAGTAGTAGTAG. HELLO CRAZY GIRL => I not crazy lorhhhh willeen -♥ : hello (: => Hihi :) @ 586394 : Tagged. => THKS Sunday, May 16, 2010 Wont be posting untill tuesday / wenesday i tink. I miss my godfather )': First day, tried not to cry. Can tahan with cold-blooded people like alicia and weixiong. Ytd, Saw alot papa last time the worker came. All holding on to flower each, went to see him. Cried, almost all came out their eyes redred one. Basically couldnt tahan, broke out into tears. Srsly lah, it shows tht papa is a nice guy. But thn why ... D': Shall post now since i'm stucked at home. 14.05.10 ----------- Didnt study much, had lots of talks. Crapping with yirou. & pls luhh horh, shawnlee is damn ewwwwww can. Sweatyy. & he is damn irritating. I like so guai listening to the talk, i nvr talk thn he keep suddenly call me shutup. WTFFFFF. Playing with xinyi luhh. Thn after school chionged to lot1. In front of me was like 3 tall guy. Didnt recognise zhenhong,marcus wong,jarryl. ALL SO TALLL. Saw wenfong,shiling and gelyn. Walkwalk. Blahhhhh, went to eat Sakae. Gelyn had green tea uhh. LOL. Thn... i have no mood to post. Went to cut cake. Received sms for me to go. Went to take neoprint with gelyn thn fooled around awhile. Wont in good mood too. Gave shiling the card. COMFIRM PLUS CHOP she love it lorhhhhhhhhhh ;D Nth much le k. Byee ): Thursday, May 13, 2010 Hi. Okay, i'm lazy to upload pics. Shall post about todayy :D Fun :D Morning supposed to be RCP. thn idk wad talk luhh k. Went back class, didnt really study. Was doodling ;D Fooled around. Went for recess, after tht went to hall again for talkkkk. Was crazy with yirou talking crap and laughing like hell lorh. Kranji idol.Semi-finals. Kyra roxxxxx TTM :D Voting time, idk why thn got song,i gotta feeling, and i almost cried :S Went bacl classroom, CE lesson. Played a fool againn. Thn was talking about CF night. Our class, mascot about japan. Had to think of designs. So crapped. And they say i look like korean / japanese again. Whatthehell :/ Thn ms chew came. Crapped with her. Haha. Thn they asked miss chew who most suitable to represent the class. Thn miss chew say me cos she keep saying i look like korean / japanese. Thn keep asking i wan anot. I DONT WANT K. Thn i call ms chew learn our folkdance. She keep dont want thn i complain, keep shout shout shout. Thn call ms megha learn. LOL. She keep changing topic thn i keep talking about the folkdance. They so not cooperative luhhh ):< Thn went eateat,playplay. Tuesday, May 11, 2010 10 MAY 2010 <= Yesterday --------------------- 10 MONTH <3 Maths, total killer. Drama, forgotten 1 line ): Thn went back classroom. Played ipod touch. Not mine lahh Used shamaine de. Thn got snatched. Thn edmond lend me his. Played. BLAHH. He snatched my teddy bear. Throw here throw there ): Thn continued playing. Snatch my phone. Wlao. Pekchek. Chase here chase there lorhh. Leg damn pain. Cos run barefooted. Lent yirou my slippers thn dont want wear back sch shoe liao. Thn got back liao went back classroom, edmond accidentally stepped on my toe. Fking pain lahh. He wear sch shoe i nvr wear shoe. Wlaozxc. Thn played truth or dare. Shamaine uhh *winks* They dared checkeng to kiss me, Checkeng dare lahh. I there damn ps keep screaming when you coming nearer to me. Thn in the end kiss hand only. LOL. Thn they dared me to shout somethinggg. shout lorhh. Dared me to show inbox. Fooled around luhh. From 12 to 3 in the classroom. Thn after tht went to limbang to eat ;D Was damn hungy lahh. Went back home :D I want upload pics but lazy. Tomorrow bahh :) Tag replies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guest : Crazy. Darrell : LOL. ♥/Jingmin : Hi meimei, thks :) {C}.Xinyi : IDKKK. Shahz, : Linked. :D Chien Huei : Missyoutoo ): Kkay. Zareena : Relinked :D Hello : LOL. Thts like so long ago :P Charmaine (: : Helloooo! Thks Friday, May 7, 2010 Helloooooo! Today bio exam. CMI luhh. ): Heck care bahh. Thn 9 am could go home le. Went minimart buy cupnoodle with xinyi ,bernice,shufang and chrysallis lorhh :D Went back for drama. Want die liao :S Leg srsly alr pain still need act fall down. Thn saw belinda they all, so slacked abit with them. Thn listening to songs. Moody. They keep say i emo. the problem is leg pain how happy,hyper worhh. LOL. Thks to me for accompanying me till my daddy arrive. Went to xray after tht luhh. LOL. byeeeeee~! Thursday, May 6, 2010 Heyyo. I can only say i hate misslow to the fucking core! :@ Today want go back classroom thn she catch me luhh -.- Catch my skirt, my shirt cos never tuck in, my hair, my socks, SHOELACE. -'- Pls luhh, who got catch shoelace de lorhh. KNN. Make me no mood do paper. fuck luhh. Haha, everybody say she zhendui wo. Like i give a damn -.- Bitch lai de. Exam, once again dead. Maths paper 1 result know liao. Just pass. LOL. Killer Paper k. Thn slacked around. Got punished,whole group luhh. For making too much noise. LOL. Cos still got exam. Thn went to limbang with bernice,xinyi and chrysalis shufang Thn shufang left first. ): Overall damn fun luhh ;D Thn laughlaughlaugh. Now i prefer to have exam. Can go home damn early! <3 Wednesday, May 5, 2010 AINI :D i look like crap. LOL NICE ;D Happy 300 days! <3 LOL. Today had maths. Basically dead luhh. CHUAXINYI UHH! See i panic damn happy. Sicko :P Thn 9.30am jiu can leave. Shiok. Went limbang eat. Saw belinda they all ;D Went basic point. LOL Lot1 , library to slack. Damn crazy with aini and yirou ;D Thn darrell came. I was like limping here and there luhh ): Bused home with darrell. Currently talking to chuaxinyi! We are twinnieeeeeee <3 She's crazy T^T Tuesday, May 4, 2010 Heyyo! Today Geography test. Dead T^T Thn had maths ip. Hate miss low ttc luhh k. Went spin room. Bloody cold canzxc? Thn miss low fat pig, block us. Thn slacked around awhile. Met darrell. Bused home. with yirou ad jiaxuan ;D Talked at home. Thn disowned darrell :P Went minimart. Tht uncle irritating like wad crap. Keep saysaysay. Thn darrell went to 3rd floor. We somehow "arguing" LOL jiaxuan and yirou say we talk damn loud, xiasuay! K LAHH. Nvr disown again. Saturday, May 1, 2010 Helllooo! ;D Got a new korkor todayyy :D Tadaaaaaaaa~! He roxx ttm also luhh k. 6 korkor + reallife korkor jiu 7 le worhh. I am crazyyyy nowwww! My korkor got small eyes just like me. ROFLMAO! Anw i think i dont mean much to you. I know i still love you. But. Nvm :D |