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Plurk,♥ Thursday, July 29, 2010 YOOO. LOL. Nth much happened. PE was oh so HAHAHA. Ran 2.4 Got distracted all the way and ran super slow ): CE was damn sian. TOTALLY. Thn went lot1. Watched despicable me again ((: LOL. Saw jarryl and marcus? :O Thn bused homeee ((: OH WHAT A SHORT POST! Tuesday, July 27, 2010 Heyyo. Not in a really good mood today luhh k. Didnt talk tht much luhh. LOL. Yirou and melissa came to my house. Melissa was crazy can ? LOL && Go to like around 2.56 onwards. On one part is like OMG funny only k. :x Try identifying what we tot it was luhh :> Friday, July 23, 2010 TODAY IS FUNNNN. HAHAAA, Okayyy. So yeah. Nth much happened k. HAHAAA PE, ms chew keep say me and yirou always whining here and there. LOLOL. Blahh. Nth much luhh. Ms megha's class is boring ttm only luhh horh. -.- Thn assembly. Was like ahemahem only. LOL. Thn walked to lot1. Went to watch movieeeeee~ Was coldcold k. Thn YEAH, HAHAAA. Yirou fell :x OMG, sorry :"< Thn walked aroundddddddd. Exchanged carebear. :D Loveeeeeee! :D Thn Bused back ((: YAY.. Tuesday, July 20, 2010 YAY. Hiiiiiiii (: LOL. Shall post about todayyyyy. Sch was.. OKOK lah. LOL. After maths lesson was like crazy. Thn chengting was so desperate to change place with other people , he claimed tht he does nkt want to seat with a crazy girl. Thn seriously nth much Went lot1, cos sch ended at 12.25 Wait half and hour for shanweiiiii. Thn was like standing there waiting for darrell they all. Thn saw alot his friend. Thn all got wrong idea -.- Tsk. Thn darrell,joyce,willeen & weiling finally arrived. Thn walk around. LOL. Thn jingan reached, followed by chienhuei. Thn outside minitoons was like OHSO UNGLAM. Joyce go pull me, thn darrell almost break my finger. LOL. Thn they go put the dora the hat on my head. Wth. Tskkkk. My hand red liao norh. Mummie uhh! Thn walk here walk there. Keep say i act cute siah wlao. Thn went to eat. LOL. Thn th guys say want go watch movie. Actually dont have de. Thn decided to go anw. But when we buy the ticket, was like late alrd. Nvm Despicable me was nicenice (Y) Thn no time le. So rushed down. Run here and there. So saw juneyi and wanyi le ((: Talk to joie awhile. LOL. Thn walked down with darrell they all. Thn shanwei itchy hand again. Pull my hair._. LOL. Thn bused back home with darrell. I DECLARE DARRELL TAN ZHI HAO IS A BIGBIG BULLY. Thursday, July 15, 2010 Hello. Finally backkkkk~ Hihihiiii. So todayy, Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Was talking about the balls thing :X Sick ((: Thn went back class. THR. Do halfway the brian`senior or who suddenly call my name O.O Thn PE, blahhh. Crap here crap there ((: Talked alotalot. Thn after sch started shouting like siao. I DECLARE THT FRISBEE HATES ME :'( Got hit by frisbee four times today. Thn slacked, Nth much (: Friday, July 9, 2010 Hiiiii~! LMAO K. So yeahhhh. MY HEAD IS FRAGILE )): Ytd, yirou suddenly bang my head. Pain ttm k! :@ Shall post about today firstttt! :D Morning after i got off the car. Got a greatgreat scare. First period, went up AVA room. LOL, thn me and jiaxuan went to borrow broom and chair. So got 3 broom. Was laughing like crap. Thn nth much :D Thn crapcrapcrap. Got frisbee? LOL. Okay, i stm liao ): Ohya, english lesson. My head got hit by junkang. Tht one seriously paindiek. Shouted damn loud thn ms megha came. LMAO. Thn went assembly. The weather damn hot k. Wlao. Thn went home :D So, NO TOUCHIEEEEE MY HEAD NEXT TIME K :P Wednesday, July 7, 2010 This is the 200th post! (Y) So morning, nth much AGAIN Thn after tht seriously nth much. Got 1 part is chunteng was wondering why SOMEONE nvr come to sch today. Thn cos my eye itchy. Thn they keep talk crap. etc. disgusting stuffs. Shant say anymore :x Fking funny. Thn blahhblahhblahh. Recess, was like with melissa. Thn we ate like damn lots food. Mocha breeze first. Thn ham and cheese sandwhich. Thn after tht the so called club sandwhich. Full till want vomit. LOL. ART! Is damn bloody funny k. LOL. Cos teacher teaching how to grip the pencil using diff ways. Thn ownself need create new ways or wad luhh. Thn i call chunteng to use his butt. Thn he and shawnlee was like shaking their butt. LMAO. Call chunteng write O, thn was damn funny. LOL. They keep take my penknife lorhh! Wlao. Thn chinese also damn fun (Y) Played alot todayyyyyyy! :D - - && horh - SOMEBODY NO COME SCH TODAY LEHH ): Tuesday, July 6, 2010 I realise imma joker in sec sch now ): Thts AWWRIGHTTT! So morningggg~ Nth much happened. LMAO. Maths was boringggg! English was xiasuay. Got the michael jackson thing. Laughed like some crap. Thn ms megha call me stop laughing -.- Had to do the biography thing? Thn i say wad yirou also laugh. Crazyy. Thn she take pic of my hand. Wtf k. My hand camerashy nehh! Thn cos very agitated luhh me. So i , erm, idk howw describe. Looks damn unglam anwww! Thn recess. Melissa treat. LOL. Thn no folkdance so went back class chiong hw. The boys like siao liddat. Thn Home econ. No practical today. So, idk wad happened. Edmon and chunteng just keep taking my penknife. Cos chengting superb big mouth. Thn they dont want give me back >: Thn lesson after lessons. School end chengting help me take back ((: Hahaa! Thn went to cafe buy the mocha freeze. LMAO. Thn went back classroom I keep jumping here and there thn chiong homework. Shout here shout there. Thn was so pissed when my penknife got "confiscated" LOL, thn vowed thn got back siol. Hahaa. Went lot1 ate sakae. Tskk. imma joker k. Dont want say lah. Xiasuay only. Saturday, July 3, 2010 So yeah. Ytd was like soooooooooooooooooooo~ Whatthefuck. So yeah. Will be updating the GOING TO cfn part. So yeah. Yirou and me went to sch, daddy fetched. Phone dropped~ Both of us de. Thn went classroom. Blahh, went to the cafe. Cool ttm (Y) Thn 1b was like so hyper k. Thn blahh. Got the spray thingy. Spray liao hair will like hardhard thn stay there de. So yeah, chasing all the boys thn help thm style. LOL. All run siah. Wlao. K lah, not all. Thn anyhow spray. I keep spray edmon the hair thn help him style Jooann the wont stand de ): Quite fun luhh. Was standing under the rain for idk wad reason luhh k. Thn got someone so good call me dont go under the rain worhh. LOL. Thn went to class. Xinyi so emo liddat. Thn i keep shouting thn jumping here and there. Thn zonghong so SEXYYY! I keep calling him sexy babe. Thn stood on the chair play his the flower thingyyy~ LOL~ Thn got people go pull out my shoelace ): Thn go tie back? Weirdooo~ Thn people call me help spray. Jiu spray lorh. Thn got 1 somebody offered to help me take thing. LOL ((: Thn other class the make up so KABOOMZXC! Luckily, suddenly the idk who say stop liao. Breaking the light stickkk! :D Yeah. FUN HORH. Thn cfn cancelled. Whatthefuck i know. Tskkk. So pekchek. Thn still keep spray people's hair. Thn went tuition. With the lightstick. LOL. Thn Was bloody sad and tired. Whole day preparing, this came out. -'- Hope they will really have another one like they said luhh. Fuck tht bloody rain dude. Thursday, July 1, 2010 Hi, finally found time to update blog. Past 2 days went for the rehearsal? 29.06.10 ------------- Sch, thn folkdance. Was like OMG dead beat tired. Was kneeling under the hot sun while waiting for other people to learn new dance step. Basically almost all call the teacher let us go under the shade. Thn in the end was like : Teacher : Wait awhile more. Tahan awhile lah. All : *WLAO EHH* Me : Teacher, you can tahan i cannot. I SERIOUSLY DA BULEH TAHAN LIAO LAHH! *LAUGHS* LOL. 30.06.10 ---------------- Sch thn folkdance again. But rained. LOL. So went back class. Practice awhile thn they call us wait idk wad luhh. Thn emo-ed alittle. Was like no talk, thn sit at a corner. LOL @ myself. Thn sms-ed. Student leaders saw. :S Blahh. Thn say can release us le :D Thn went outside. Thn crapped. Became veryery hyper after tht. For like idk wad? I keep shouting and shouting like wad crap. Thn was acting retard. :D Homed :D Todayyy~ ---------------- Hmmmmmmmmmmm, nth much happened rightttt? Yeah, nth much. I keep kajiao miss chew :X LOL Thn she say i like japanese doll -.- wth. Thn crapped here and there. Thn suddenly got very pissed with myself. Yeah. ME. ): So on the way to lot1. Emo-ed again. LOL! Thn blahhhh~ Tomorrow is the CFN :O |